the club

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Ace sits on his couch, he can't help but think, "When was the last time I had a drink?"
He gets up and grabs his car keys, he's going out for a drink. Just to get his mind off of these things at least for a few minutes. It seems that all he's been doing lately is worrying. This stress can't be good for him, it just can't be.
The car ride feels nice, it's very smooth. He pats his pants, making sure he brought his wallet with his id in it. He lets out a sigh of relief and pulls it out before he climbs out of the car. His heart is racing a mile a minute. When was the last time he was in a club? Why'd he come here exactly?
But before he has time to talk himself out of it, he finds himself already inside the place. The loud music causes his head to pound, but not nearly as much as the organ in his chest. He's forgotten everything about these kinds of places. The places people like him go, to forget. To make decisions they know they'll regret the next morning.
He takes a seat at the bar and orders a drink, he places his fingers on the glass. His eyes watch the condensation on the side of the cup slide down. He takes a deep breath, his heart is finally calming down.
"Is this seat taken?" a girl with chocolate-brown hair leans over the stool next to him and gives him a crooked smile.
The sound of her voice causes him to look over at her. Suddenly his heart starts to race all over again. And that causes him to shake his head, "It's open, if you want it."
"Thanks!" she sits down next to him and holds up her hand to catch the bartender's attention. "The usual please."
Ace raises his eyebrow, she's here often apparently because the bartender just gives her a curt nod before he starts to mix a drink. She turns back to the freckled man and smiles again, "My friends come here practically everyday. It's almost as if they live here or something. They typically drag me along, to find me a boyfriend."
"So then where are they?" he looks around, knowing for a fact that he wouldn't be able to pick them out anyway.
"They didn't come today," she giggles, it's such an innocent sound. And it's been so long since he's heard one that he's nearly forgotten what a giggle even is. "I'm here alone today... what about you?"
"I haven't been to a club in so long, but here I am tonight," he gives her a half-smile. "And I should've brought someone else... I need someone to drive me home. Just feels like that kind of night, though I do need to work tomorrow."
"I can understand that," she nods slowly, "My name's Zoe."
"Ace," he gives her a half-smile. "It's nice meeting you."
"The pleasure is mine," he can't help but think that she's pretty and kind. And her voice is really nice. She gives him a wide smile before holding out her hand and looking into his eyes, "Would you like to dance with me?"
He stares at her hand, debating everything, like he's afraid of taking it. Almost as if, she'll pull away as soon as he takes her hand. But her smile is enticing, and he can't help but accept it anyway.
She drags him to the floor, he's forgotten what it's like being sandwiched between strangers. Her hold on his hand feels nice, and he immediately misses it when she pulls away. But he doesn't have to go without her physical interaction for long as she presses her body against his.
It's nice. He can't help but enjoy himself as they dance together. And then drink some more alcohol. Then dance some more. Rinse lather and repeat. It gets so redundant that he doesn't even remember how many drinks he had.
He doesn't even know how, or when they left the club. He can't recall how they stumbled inside the hotel or who payed for the room. He barely remembers how they started kissing. The blackout covers mostly everything about their experience in the bed.
But one thing is engraved in his memory, the thought that it was wrong. That what he's doing right now, isn't right. It felt like a betrayal. The one thing he did to try and forget the events earlier that day, lead him to feel even guiltier.
But it felt good. It was nice to finally be inside of someone again. To feel as if he'd finally moved on. She wasn't a bad partner, and if his heart wasn't in as much turmoil, then maybe he would've enjoyed it more.
There wasn't anything but drunken passion between them, and in his mind, he knew that. He felt bad. Sure, he could say he deserves the fun and excitement. But it felt as if he were cheating... but it's not like they're actually dating. So exactly what is he cheating on? If he had to make a guess... it would be his feelings for her. For (Y/n).
During this whole experience, the thing he felt the guiltiest for, is wishing that it were her instead. Wishing it was his neighbor that was saying his name in between moans. That it was her hands clinging to his skin. Her lips pressed against his. The feeling was electric when they shared one in the closet.
He doesn't even know how long they were in that state. He just remembers pulling out and her asking him to stay with her. And he couldn't help but give in to her plea. Her body warmth was nice regardless, and he honestly couldn't drive home anyway. His head is swimming with thoughts, so many he can't even pick one out. He stayed awake for way too long, until his eyes grew too heavy for him to keep them open.
But there's one thought that popped into his mind right before he drifted off. Damn, is he selfish.


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