the anticipation

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Sorry that this chapter is short. I plan for the next one to be longer.
I have a job!
So... updates may come slowly. Sorry.
What about this book makes you stay?
The workday before the party passes by in the blink of an eye for everyone. Except for (Y/n), she can't get her mind off of Ryker. She's worried about him, after all, she did come home to him yesterday all beat up. She can't help but be worried that he's going to try and commit suicide.
  A sigh escapes her lips before a thought suddenly occurs to her. There's still something she needs to do, so she quickly takes out a small piece of paper and scribbles some words onto it. She looks over her work before she gives and affirmative nod and rushes off to deliver the note she just wrote. Hopefully, it's not too late.
  Ace sees her rush out of the training area and into the elevator, he decided that she must be really excited for the party. The day is so close to ending, and it doesn't feel like the day's been dragging. Which for him, is a miracle.
Shanks also decided to let everyone go home two hours early in order to help prepare the party. Everyone has their own jobs to do, Ace just has to go home, get ready, then come back ready to help decorate. It's nothing big, and he's sure that they don't really need him in order to finish preparing.
  He takes in a deep breath before he lets it out as a sigh. Currently, he doesn't even know if he wants to go to the party. Yet, he knows he has to because if he doesn't, Luffy is going to murder him in some way. Or at least make him feel guilty for not showing up.
  He leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling, he's so conflicted. He wants to tell someone the things he remembered. Or at least answer the questions he knows they have. But he just doesn't know how to initiate the conversation. Like, can he just go up to one of them and say... what exactly? What does he even want to tell them?
  "Ace! It's time to go home!" Luffy slides next to his cubicle and stares at the man inside. "You okay?"
  He nods unconsciously, "Yeah, thanks for asking Luffy. Let's go home and get ready to meet back here for the party."
  "I'm so gonna come back here ready to eat!" Luffy grabs Ace's hand and drags him to the elevator. "Sanji! You better prepare a feast!"
  "I already planned on it," the blond follows the other two men onto the elevator and glares at the brothers. "But don't think that it's just for you two! You better save some for the beautiful ladies!"
  "Yeah, yeah," Luffy rolls his eyes before he presses the button for the first floor. "I'm so excited, aren't you, Ace?"
  "Didn't I already answer this question...?" he tilts his head, recollecting the conversation he had before the elevator. "Oh, no. You asked if I was okay before. Sorry. I'm zoning out. But, yes. I am excited for the party."
  Luffy's smile falls from his face before he presses the back of his hand against Ace's forehead, "Are you sure you're feeling well? You don't have to come tonight if you're sick... sure... I want you to be here... but if-"
  "No, I'm fine," he grabs his brother's arm and bring it down. "I'll be here tonight, I... just have a lot on my mind right now."
  Luffy nods, not fully understanding it, but knowing that when Ace is ready, he'll talk. So the rest of the elevator ride, about thirty more seconds, the small metal box is quiet. Then the door dings and opens, the three men exit and how separate ways, not bothering to say goodbye because they'll just see each other again in a few hours.
Ace stops outside, in one day, he had forgotten about the small notes of inspiration. But the person who did this hasn't. He goes to he car and picks up the small slip of paper. He gets inside his car before he opens it.

  "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in raising every time we fall."


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