the promise

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This question doesn't relate to the book... so I'll just ask you this one and the one(I have two this chapter.) in bold is the one that's "story related". Do I annoy you with these frequent updates?

Would you be willing to sacrifice your happiness for someone else's?

What would it take for you to like Ryker?

  A few hours before Ace got home, (Y/n) arrives at her apartment. When she walks through the door, she sees her boyfriend. Piecing together that he was drinking last night because he had the day off. Her body tenses as he turns to see her enter, but she forces a smile anyway.
  "Hey, Ryker," she closes the door behind her, not looking at the blond's face. "How was your day?"
  "(Y/n)..." She can hear footsteps approach her before she feels him pull her into his arms. His body is shaking, so she slowly wraps her arms around him and rubs his back. "You came back..."
  She's so confused, did something happen while she was at work? "Of course I came back. Why wouldn't I?"
  "I'm so sorry... about last night... I wanted to apologize this morning... but I woke up too late... and... I just... I don't know what happened," his embrace gets tighter. "I thought that you would leave me because I'm not the same person anymore... I didn't think you'd come back. I'm a horrible person... I don't deserve you."
  "No... don't think that," she feels tears prick at her eyes, "I'm going to stay here until I can see you... smile again. I could never leave you... I want you to be happy."
  They stand in each others arms for a few seconds, silence settling before she feels him tighten his grip on her again, she can hear him swallow before his he speaks up, "But... what about you?"
  "What about me?" she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath; the smell of his cologne somehow setting her racing heart at ease. "I don't understand the question."
  "Are you happy...?" his voice trembles, "With me?"
  "Of course I am," she pulls away from him, only to cup his cheek in her palm. Being this close to his face, she can see that his eyes are red. "Have you been crying?"
  He grabs her hand and brings it away from his face, "I'm just scared and afraid..."
  "You have nothing to be scared of," she moves closer to him again, this time wrapping her arms around his neck and placing his forehead against hers. "I love you... and I'll never abandon you."
  "I..." he closes his eyes, but she could see the fear and sadness in them. There was also a flash of something else, but she could make it out in time. "I love you too..."
  "I love you so much... that it hurts... to see you like this..." she places her lips on his, pulling away before she continues speaking, "I just want... to be here for you while you heal."
  He nods, before he steps back and gives her a small smile, "I'll cook dinner... go... get washed up. I can smell you from here."
  She laughs before rolling her eyes, "Funny joke. But I will do just that."
  He gives her a half smile before he turns and walks into the kitchen area and starts rummaging through the fridge. She feels her heartbeat speed up, so she darts into the bathroom. When she's in there, she realizes that he had unpacked everything.
  The thought of him having to do this by himself makes her sad, but the fact that he did it made her happy. She turns on the shower and undresses, turning around to see her in the mirror causes her to notice all of the marks that are on her neck and body. Quickly, she spins back around and gets in the shower, the hot water causing her skin to become flushed.
   The feeling of the heat makes her remember all the times she had hugged her boyfriend and all the times they snuggled. She grabs the shampoo and lathers it in her hair, closing her eyes to reminisce on the happy times she had with Ryker. She's so caught up in the past, that she continues to stand in the shower even after she's done washing up. She stands there for so long, that the water starts to turn cold.
  As soon as she notices it, she gets out and dries off, putting on the sleepwear she brought into the bathroom with her. There's a knock on the door before it opens and Ryker pokes his blond head in, "You're decent. Thanks goodness, dinner's ready."
  "Why does it matter if I'm decent?" she folds her arms but follows him into the kitchen regardless. "You've seen me naked countless times be-"
  "Because I just entered without you permission," he shrugs pulling out a chair in the dinning area and motioning for her to sit. "I'll get you a plate."
  "Thank you," she takes her seat and he pushes it in before walking away and grabbing two plates. "It smells delicious. Is it... my favorite? You're really trying to apologize, aren't you?"
  "We just had the stuff is all," he places a plate in front of her, a light blush on his cheeks as he takes his seat next to her, "But I really... do feel... bad. And I'm going to change. I'm really going to try. No. Not try... I'll do it. For you."
  She grabs his hand and stares into his eyes, "I know. And I'll wait. I'm here to help you through it. Don't feel rushed. Take your time."
  "But you should rush me," he pulls his hand out of hers and looks at the food on his plate. "If you don't... I'm scared of what's to become... maybe I should go to counseling."
  "We can't afford that right now," she bites her bottom lip. "But I'm willing to try if that's what you think you need."
  He shakes his head, "It's my problem. I'll figure it out on my own... I just need you to be standing beside me."
  She smiles, "Always."
  That's what she says... but is their relationship really that strong? Can it truly withstand the storm that's brewing? Because after all, a promise without intent of performance is just manipulation.


unknown number (rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora