the friends

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Sorry for the short update guys... I've been pretty busy... trying to figure out my life and spending some time with my family and friends...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ^~^
  (Y/n) follows behind Ace back to the main party, she's debating whether or not she should tell him. If she does, would it seem like she's lying to him? And if she doesn't, isn't she lying to him?
  She has all these questions running in her mind that she doesn't even notice Ace telling her that he's going to go retrieve his brother. A mindless nod later, and she's left in the crowd completely alone. But not long after, she feels a tap on her shoulder, snapping her out of her daze.
  "Hello there, I'm Robin," she holds her hand out for (Y/n) to grab it. "I'm one of Ace's friends. How did it go in the closet with him?"
  She feels her face flush before she waves her hands on front of her, "N-nothing happened! All we did was talk!"
  She can hear a small chuckle as Robin brushes a stand of hair out of her own face, "Of course. Ace is too polite and... still grieving."
  "Yeah," she suddenly feels put in the spot, like Robin is trying to figure something out. "I know... all we did was talk. It was nice."
  "Yet, he seems to be very happy when you're in his company," the black-haired woman hums and gives her a smile. "You-"
  "Robin!" Sanji goes to hug her, but she puts her hand on his chest and keeps him away. "Nami hit me! I'm going to have a black eye! I didn't even mean to touch her... I tripped over a cord in the closet!"
  "Sue Shanks," she retracts her arm and folds it, staring at the blond. "He's the one that put you in danger."
  "You're... (Y/n), right?" an orange-haired woman tilts her head and gives (Y/n) a smile. "I'm Nami. I've been wanting to meet you for quite some time now."
  "You have?" she bites the inside of her lip wondering when she heard about her and what. "I've heard a lot about you guys from Ace..."
  "The same goes for us about you!" Nami wraps her arm around her neck and pulls her close. "We always need another girl in our group at lunch if you ever want to join us."
  "Huh?" she looks over at her and scrunches her face slightly. "I don't think I-"
  "You're prettier in person," the blond says as he holds an icepack to his eye. "I'm Sanji, that idiot over there is Zoro."
  She follows his thumb in the direction he's pointed in and her eyes fall on the green-haired man that accompanied Robin to the closet. He's resting against the wall, staring at the group and when he notices (Y/n)'s gaze he makes his way towards them.
  "What did you just say about me, curlybrow?" the men immediately go into a staring contest and somehow start slinging insults at each other.
  This causes the woman to roll their eyes and refocus her attention on the (h/c)-haired one of them, "Ignore those two. They do this often."
  She nods slowly, still not sure what's happening and why these people are grouping around her, "Thank you for the warning."
  "Anyway, Ace tells us that you're a great listener," Nami wraps her arm around her neck and pulls her close. "What does he talk to you about? We're all concerned for him... and he doesn't share very often."
  "I don't think that..." she stops, noticing the look in the orange-haired woman's eyes. The worry causing her to second guess what she could tell them, "Sometimes... we don't tell people what's on our minds because we're afraid..."
  "Afraid?" Nami raises her eyebrows and stares at the (h/c)-haired woman intently. "What's there to be scared of?"
  "Well, we get worried that people will treat us differently if we show weakness. Or we just believe that we can handle it on our own," she swallows as something is brought to her attention. "But we can't. We're all being dragged down by something, even when help is offered we reject it. And sometimes, we only have a few select people that we feel comfortable sharing with."
  "It's like... those of us who are hurt... can sense that someone else is. And we can only trust the ones who are as broken as us," she takes a deep breath, trying to think of how she wants to word her next sentence and just as she was about to continue, her phone starts to vibrate in her pocket. So, she pulls it out, staring at the contact's name and feeling her heartbeat increase, "Ryker..."
Nami drops her arm as (Y/n) pulls away and puts the phone to her ear. She watches her as she walks away, trying to escape the crowd. She furrows her brow and frowns slightly, "Who's Ryker...?"


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