Chapter 11 Allies and Enemies

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"Be careful Kyoya. If the Wizard King handpicked you, its either because he has faith in you or because he's wary of you. So you better surpass your limits and prove you're someone worth trusting."

~With Kyoya~
As everyone was just saved from the monster, they looked in the direction from where the attack came from. When they did they saw three people with a Golden Dawn robe. A boy with black hair was seen with his grimoire out as he smiled at Asta.

"I've finally repaid my debt, Asta."

"Thanks, Yuno

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"Thanks, Yuno."

Soon Yuno and his two squad mates were approaching  Kyoya and his group. As he looked at the Golden Dawn, he saw the other two magic knights with Yuno.

 As he looked at the Golden Dawn, he saw the other two magic knights with Yuno

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"Those two must be from royal families

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"Those two must be from royal families. But this Yuno kid......I can tell. This guy is strong."

"Oh yeah!!! Yuno, these are my friends Noelle and Kyoya. But who is four eyes over there?"

As Asta introduced Kyoya and Noelle he pointed at the royal wearing glasses. Yuno had a blank expression on his face as he merely said one thing.

"My superior, Klaus."

"What did you say you brat! I am a noble and you will treat me with respect!!!"

Soon Asta and Klaus got into an argument. Meanwhile, Noelle was talking to the other noble who was actually her cousin. Apparently her name was Mimosa Vermillion. As this all happened, Yuno and Kyoya merely looked at each other as they both thought of the same thing.

"I know your pain."

"Anyways, I heard there would be four of you Black Bulls. So where is your last member?"

Asta and Noelle froze up since they knew Klaus was talking about Luck. They already knew the Black Bulls didn't have a good reputation, the last thing they need is for the this guy to say anything bad about them. As they tried to come up with a convincing story, Kyoya spoke up.

"He sensed the presence of other mages and decided to look around the area. Considering where this place is located, its safe to assume that they're from the Diamond Kingdom."

Klaus nods his head as Kyoya's words made sense. Meanwhile, Asta and Noelle were surprised that Kyoya came up with that on the spot. However, this moment soon came to a stop as they heard something. As they turned around, Kyoya quickly felt someone's magic power being released.

"You're pretty smart for a bunch of scum."


Kyoya creates a large shield of ice in front of him to protect everyone behind him as a large amount of flames was launched at them

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Kyoya creates a large shield of ice in front of him to protect everyone behind him as a large amount of flames was launched at them. As Kyoya struggles to keep the shield up, he saw that it was melting at a fast rate.

"Ice magic, huh. You remind me of someone I met before. That's bad news for you. If you didn't, I probably would've let you live."

The group soon looked upwards as they saw a single man standing in a path above them as his right hand was coated in flames. As Xanxus looked down at the magic knights, his eyes fell upon Kyoya. When he looked at him, he said one thing.

"Tch, you're not the bastard I was expecting. But then again you and him really are alike. I wonder if reducing you to ashes will be any fun. Don't make this boring for me, magic knight."


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