little teeny tiny author's note

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hey guys! i am so so so sorry that i haven't uploaded a sequel yet!
i have been writing chapters in the sequel, i have two chapters done so far and a prologue and two other things, i just do not have a cover yet!

once i get my cover from this amazing graphics shop, i will begin updating!

now, i have a few questions for the sequel


1. how much of george and hope do you want to see? like keep it completely pg? or heat it up? 

2. what characters do you want to see more of?

3. do you want to see more of the couples overall? 

4. who all in all do you want to stay alive?

again, i am sorry that there is no sequel yet, but it will be up very very soon (i think

ALSO, i have a prologue fanfic list type thing on a google document! if you are interested in reading prologues and such, comment or dm me! they are all prologues of stories that i will eventually be writing

the four that i have on there now, as of 9/21 are

- MILESTONE: penelope prewett (marauder's era)

- SISTERLY SHADOWS: willa tonks (golden era)

-PUREBLOOD: asteria black (marauder's era)

- LIAR, LIAR: aurora fitzgerald (pretty little liars)

i hope you all have had great weeks! thank you so much for reading thantophobia, i hope you all found it okay or good. 

also, sorry again, the prologue for monophobia may be a bit sad? angry? i was going through a break up when i wrote it, and you can kind of tell by the way i wrote it lmao

anyways, happy reading!

-bayliee : )

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