year one: greasy-haired potions

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❛Just like your father, Miss Lupin, arrogant and obnoxious,❜

Hope Lupin-Black wandered down the many corridors of Hogwarts, in search of the Great Hall

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Hope Lupin-Black wandered down the many corridors of Hogwarts, in search of the Great Hall. There were halls going in all directions, as well as staircases. It took her precisely twenty-two minutes just to find where breakfast was held.

The Lupin-Black girl came running into the Great Hall, finding an empty seat next to her brother. As she sat down next to him, she gave him a nasty glare, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"You couldn't have waited for me this morning?" she asked, crossing her arms against her chest. "It took me twenty minutes just to find this stupid place."

"I thought you would be with your friends," he shrugged, before seeing the bruise that was forming on his sister's cheek. "Merlin, what happened to you?"

She rolled her eyes at his worriedness, chuckling to herself. "Did you know the staircase railings here are not for sliding down? I fell off the side, lucky for me though, some fifth-year was there to catch me."

"You should be more careful," Alfie cautioned, gesturing towards the table where the professors sat. "You're just lucky Snape didn't see you."

"Snape? Who's that?" questioned Hope. Cormac McLaggen then shifted her line of sight to the Potions Professor. "The one who has the hair grease in his eye? He really needs to stop staring at people, it's rude."

Cormac McLaggen and Kevin Wilson began to laugh, but Alfie only rolled his eyes. "He has it out for us, Hope, he hated Dad and Papa. So, just be extra quiet in his class."

"Quiet? Hope? I don't think I would put those in the same sentence," a voice joked, the four looked behind them to see Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

"Harry, Ron, did you guys get your timetables?" she spoke up, making the two boys nod. "We only have three classes today. Double Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms. This is gonna be easy."

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