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hey guys! i feel like it has been forever since I have even opened this app. however, i am fully back now! there about four weeks ago my chromebook stopped working, which was my main source of writing all in all. and then my school chromebook was disabled for the summer. but i finally bought a new one and i am back!

never in a million years would i imagine i would get over 700k reads on thantophobia! thank you so much for all of the love and support that has come from both thantophobia and monophobia! i am so excited for all of the angst, funny moments, and just all in all everything that is going to come within the next chapters.

i have spent the last few weeks just reading thantophobia, and i literally got hooked. it took me a few days to go, wait a minute, i wrote this. holy shit.

for future chapters, i am adding more seamus, more neville, more everything.

alongside all of my future fanfiction plans, because lord knows i have way too many. i am currently writing my first novel! or really just personal story.

i have the first two chapters completed, and i am debating just publishing the first just to get your guys opinions! because you always give me the best feedback, constructive and always helping me get better at writing every single day!

the story title is currently Ineffable, starring two main characters Noelle Montgomery and Zander Mills. there is so much romance, feelings that everyone wants to feel.

thank you all for helping me become a better writer and all else!

one of my current goals is to find someone who can like make those like multifandom videos, yknow the usually depressing ones you see on youtube, about hope and cedric. honestly, one about hope in general would more than likely make me cry.

my first playlist for this book is completed, yes, it might make you cry.

it is a strictly cedric and hope sad songs

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it is a strictly cedric and hope sad songs.

it may break your heart.

but, it's so just heart warming to remember how they were. like how much hope and cedric trusted each other, how much they planned to do, just everything.

anyways, i will be publishing within either today or tomorrow!

THANTOPHOBIA ① g.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now