year three: sirius orion black

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Hope Lupin-Black sat by herself by the Black Lake, leaned up against an old tree

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Hope Lupin-Black sat by herself by the Black Lake, leaned up against an old tree. The teenage girl sat on the grass reading a book on Thestrals that Cedric had loaned to her.

"Hope Lupin," a voice came from behind her, footsteps following. "What might you be doing?"

She turned around to see Milo Bishop walking towards her. "Milo Bishop, are you always so creepy?"

Milo let out a laugh as he leaned up against the tree. "Creepy? I'd like to say observant."

"No, no, creepy is definitely the word to use." she said before looking up to his brown eyes. "Why are you sneaking up on me today? Want to say more about how you are the Ravenclaw and I am the Gryffindor--"

"There's more than just that, Hope--"

Hope rolled her grey eyes, placing her book on her lap. "Do tell, Bishop, what is the Peace Prophecy?"

Milo Bishop bit his lip, and looked up towards the sky before saying. "Well, it's a prophecy--"

"Really? I had no idea."

He scrunched up his nose, as if thinking of what he was allowed to say. "Well, it involves me, you, Alexa Willard, Draco--"

"Malfoy?" she questioned quickly, now more intrigued. "As in, my cousin Draco Malfoy?"

"Yeah, him." he replied, taking a seat across from the Gryffindor on the grass. "Us four, we're destined for great things."

She furrowed her blonde eyebrows. "I'm confused, Milo. What great things?"

"Not even I know."


He held a finger up to her, as if silencing her. "What I do know is that when war strikes we need to be prepared. You need to practice your duelling and using a sword. Alexa needs to learn how to create charms. Draco knows Dark Arts--"

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