year three: spottings

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❛He shouldn't have left!❜

Hope Lupin laid in the Hospital Wing with her arm in a sling

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Hope Lupin laid in the Hospital Wing with her arm in a sling. She looked around the big room looking for anyone.

"Hello?" she called out.

Madam Pomfrey came from around the corner with a potion bottle in hand. "Good, you're awake. That means you can take this."

Hope gulped down the disgusting potion quickly. "Thanks, Poppy."

"That's Madam Pomfrey to you, Miss Lupin." the healer scolded.

Out of nowhere, the Hospital Wing doors flung open to reveal a panting Remus. A look of concern etched across his face.

"Hope James Lupin." said Remus, his tone serious as can be. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Hello to you too, Papa." Hope spoke with her arms crossed.

Remus paced back and forth in front of the bed. "I'm doing my job, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, and who comes in?"


"Hermione runs in saying you got tore up by a Hippogriff!" he yelled out. "Were you trying to act like a hero?"

Hope shrugged. "Well--"

"What the hell were you thinking? Risking your life like that?"

"I'm not exactly sure, kind of a spur of the moment." she explained, but quickly covered up her mouth.

Remus' green eyes darted to his daughter. "Did you actually say that?"

"No, no. I did not."

"No, you did."

Hope looked around the room and shook her head. "Must've misheard me, Papa. I actually said, I'm sorry and it won't ever happen again."

The father chuckled lightly and sat down next to his daughter. "Your dad would've said something like that."

"Then I won't say anything like it, ever again." she said quickly. "I'm sorry for saying it."

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