year one: christmas

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❛Oh my, it's gorgeous,❜

The Christmas holidays had begun at Hogwarts, and Hope Lupin-Black was having the time of her life

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The Christmas holidays had begun at Hogwarts, and Hope Lupin-Black was having the time of her life. Cedric had stayed behind for the holidays so the two of them spent their time studying magical creatures in the library. And the Weasley twins and herself planned a series of Christmas pranks for the break. While Ron tried to get her to help him teach Harry how to play wizard's chess.

Christmas Eve approached soon, and Hope had camped out in the boys' dormitory with all of her best friends. She had taken Dean's bed next to Seamus as he went on a holiday to Germany for Christmas break.

The next morning, every person in the dormitory had woken up to a stack of gifts at the foot of their bed. Even Hope's had managed to find her.

"Merry Christmas," Ron mumbled sleepily as Harry scrambled out of bed and pulled on his bathrobe.

"You, too," replied Harry, looking at his gifts. "Will you look at this? I've got some presents!"

"What did you expect? Turnips?" asked Hope as she turned to her pile, which was stacked up high.

Hope had looked through her stack of gifts and began to open them one by one. Alfie had gotten her some muggle candy. There were many different kinds, from Chocolate Orange to Bounty even her personal favorite Maltesers.

The next package was from a woman named Mrs. Weasley, who she assumed was Ron's mother. The little tag on top read out. 'For Hope, I hope you love it. Consider you part of our big clan. You're welcome in our home anytime. Much love, Mrs. Weasley.'

She unwrapped the gift to reveal a nicely knitted baby blue sweater with a dark blue H on the front of it, and Hope absolutely loved it. "Ron, look—"

"I think I know who that one's from, my mum. I told her you guys weren't going home for Christmas and look, oh no," he groaned, looking at his friends' sweaters. "She's made you both Weasley sweaters."

Harry held up his emerald green one that matched Ron Weasley's maroon. As well as a large box of homemade fudge for them all to share.

"Every year, she makes us a sweater," explained Ron, unwrapping a couple more gifts. "And mine's always maroon."

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