The Ability Game Competition

Start from the beginning

Announcer: Now let's begin with our first game. The Three Legged Race each team needs 2 members to participate the game. Misaki Shokuhou will not allowed to use her Mental Out in this game and Mikoto Misaka will not allowed to use her shocks in order to win this game. Each teams must not broke their ties on their legs. Otherwise, your team will be disqualified.

Each team picked up 2 members.

Announcer: In Dragon's Team we have Mikoto Misaka and Mitsuko Kongou. (Waving to the crowd). Next are from the Goddess Team we have Kuroko Shirai and Komaki Makigami.
Kuroko: We will gonna win this. I'll use my ability.
Announcer: I forgot to mention, teleportation is prohibited to use in this game.
Kuroko: Oh geez! (disappointing look)
Announcer: Moving on, from the Royalty Team we have Yuri Sakibasu and Cat Claw (waving)
Sakibasu: You defeat me in our challenge before, and I'm sure gonna win this now, Shirai. (Said it boastful tone of voice)
Kuroko: Oh yeah! Let's see about that.
Announcer: Alright folks! The Three Legged Race is starting on your mark, get set, GO!

When the teams are getting start to run, a certain student use her ability to manipulate the asphalt in order to tied up each pair and they can't move.

Makigami: What is this? This is so sticky!
Kuroko: This thing stinks. (disgust)

A Certain Team of Espers are on the lead and next to them is Glamour Knights then Claw Cat uses her animal telepathy to instruct the squirrels on the tree to jump to the leading team. The squirrels enter the girls body in order to get their underwares and remove their ties on their legs in order for them to be disqualified. Then the Glamour Knights passed to A Certain Team of Espers then another squirrels going to attack them but then, they tossed the poor squirrels away. How dare you to tossed my pets away! says Claw Cat. But then they managed to run fast. A certain student from Glamour Knights use her ability to slip their opponnents away. But then Mikoto uses her electromagnetic force in order to create a kelp to pass their opponnents. But then a certain student from Glamour Knights uses her ability on their shoes in order to skate and then her partner uses her pyrokinesis to be able to reach the finnish line in no time. But suddenly the asphalt ties on their bodies burn and the two of them tries to jump. Then they will gonna crash to the children who are watching. Oh crap! Where do we land? said by the two of them. But then Mikoto uses her electromagnetic ability to lift up the road block then Kongou uses her aerohand to blow the block to hit the two of them away. I see that's gonna happen. Said by Mikoto and they run until they reach the finnish line and Dragon's Team wins the 1st place, followed by the Goddess Team in 2nd place, next to them is Royalty Team in 3rd place then the other teams were eliminated. Mikoto and Kongou waves to the crowd and smiles, while Kuroko snapps.

Kuroko: Grrr!!!!Why is it suppossed to be like this?! If I pick the paper that has written Dragon Team, I am the one who stands besides my Sissy!
Chelia: Snapp out of it. Atleast we were placed as 2nd place in this round.

Announcer: Alright folks! The next game will be the "Baloon Race". Now each team will choose a pair and each team will holds the balloon in between their chest. If the balloon pops or falls on the ground, the team will be disqualified. This time, no more esper power involve in this game.

Each team decided who are the members will join this round.

Announcer: In this round representing the Dragon's Team will be Wendy Misaka and Kinuho Wannai. (waves to the crowd) (Chelia snapps)

Chelia: Ahhh! This is so unfair! I should be the one who will be pairing Wendy!
Kuroko: As I expected, you also will react like that!

Announcer: Next is from Goddess team will be Chelia Shirai and (a certain student, level 3 telekinesis) (waving)

The crowd looks at Chelia being so cute. Then Wendy stares at her cute smile.

Wendy: Aww. She's so cute! (smiles)
Wannai: Come on Wendy, we have to focus, for us to win.
Wendy: Right. I'm sorry.

Announcer: Moving on, from Royalty Team we have Junko Hokaze and Satori Kobayashi (waves the crowd)

Boys from the crowd: They both so hot!

Announcer: Alright teams! Ready! Get set! GO!

The Balloon Race starts. Wendy is simply uses her wind magic to push the both of them so fast and then Chelia noticed that Wendy used her magic, so she did it too. The other teams popped their balloons so they were eliminated, then the remaining teams remained are Dragon's Team and Goddess Team. Both of teams are trying their best to be fast then both of teams reach the finnish line in no time. Both Dragon's Team and Goddess Team settled draw. Then Chelia hugs Wendy in front of the crowd.

Boys of the crowd: Aww! They're so cute!
Chelia: That's a lot of fun!
Wendy: Yeah!
Wannai: (clears her throat)
Wendy: (separated from Chelia's hug) Oh sorry. (giggles)
Wannai: I understand your case. I'll do that to Awatsuki if we were separated teams too.
Wendy and Chelia: (smiles at Wannai)

Announcer: Alright folks! It's now Lunch time. We will resume this competition at exactly 1pm. So please drink lots of water to avoid heat stroke. That's all for this moment.

Mikoto and Wendy invites Kuroko and Chelia to join them for lunch. The two families eat lunch together, including Uiharu and Romeo.

Romeo: You girls are so awesome!
Uiharu: Yeah! You way to stronger than me.
Kuroko: I guess you're right Uiharu. You can't do even one push up. (teasing manner)
Uiharu: (Embarrassed) Thank you for that Shirai. (feels humiliated)
Wendy: That's not true Uiharu-neechan everyone here's cool.
Chelia: As long as you're brave, you can be strong. And you're ability is way cooler than us.
Uiharu: You mean it?
Mikoto: Yes. You know any information than us.
Uiharu: (smiles at them)

Meanwhile with Misuzu and Sherry's conversation.

Misuzu: Do you think that Zeref is still alive?
Sherry: I did not sense any magic from him.
Misuzu: But we haven't seen his body from the day those girls defeated him. But I saw Lyon lying on the ground that time and he's dead.
Sherry: Carla, can you use your magic to view the future events?
Carla: Yes. I'll do.

After a minute Carla sense that Zeref is still alive and he's trying to regain his strength.

Sherry: So what now?
Misuzu: If there's a way that we can lock the magic portal in order to lock him in our world.
Sherry: I still no idea about it.
Misuzu: Perhaps I should ask Grandineey if she knows about it.
Sherry: Right!


Is there a way in order to lock the magical portal?


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