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The girl in the school bathroom mirror delicately applied lip gloss to her rose tinted lips. I stared at the girl before me analytically, examining each section. My eyes trailed over my face to the hips of my body that was visible in the water stained mirror. Taking pride in my appearance, I always gave myself time in the morning to prep my hair and make up. I always use make up sparingly, consisting of mascara, concealer, eyebrows and lipgloss. This stems from the advice of my mum not wanting me to waste the natural beauty of my face. Mascara used to accentuate my black doe eyes. Eyebrow pencil to fill the sparse areas of my defined arched brows. Concealer placed under my eyes to hide my struggles with sleep.

On this Thursday, I decided that I had enough time to curl my hip length black hair, which I then placed in a half up/half down style. I tied it altogether with my personalised school uniform. Personalised in this case meant borderline breaking school dress code. My skirt had a burgundy and navy tartan print all over it, which I had hoisted to sit mid way on my upper thigh. Paired with it was a white button shirt, which was tailored to hug my figure. I tucked my shirt in my skirt, to clinch my small waist. The uniform was accessorised with a tie that matched my skirt and black high knee socks. I managed to make the drab uniform look sexy on me, whilst not breaking dress code.

Judging my whole appearance, I concluded I looked hot today! The key was to know the difference between being conceited and confident. I was confident enough to admit that I looked really good today. Most days I did.

As I finished inspecting my final look, I routinely checked the time to see I still time to spare before school officially commenced. Today I arrived to school 10 minutes earlier than usual, as I was graced with a ride from my chauffeur, Myles. As he was early today, it meant he could actually get me to school on time. Lucky for me, Myles insisted I sit shotgun, as I was still graced by the presence of his other three friends, Dylan, Emmanuel and Nathan.

Myles and his friends all played basketball so they were highly popular around school and with girls.

Nathan was captain and I could see why. He sported a hard exterior with an indifferent facial expression permanent on his defined face. He was an intimidating boy with dark green pools for eyes and a careless brown haircut on his head. From looking at Nathan alone, it was no surprise he was chosen for captain, beating Myles, who begrudgingly took vice captain.

Emmanuel was the most charming out of his friends and most intelligent. He was a composed character with cheeky undertones. Being blessed with Italian heritage, Emmanuel faced no problem sleeping with whoever he deemed worthy, due to his fortunate genes. His tousled black hair draped carelessly over his forehead guiding you to his glacial grey irises, which many stared at in a trance.

And, lastly, Dylan. He made flirting with girls and sex puns into personality traits. He has amicable azure eyes and dirty blonde hair to complete his typical player character.

Anytime I find myself with these boys it was never dull. I enjoyed sitting upfront and easing dropping in on their juvenile conversation. 

Towards the end of the journey, Nathan took greater interest in me, using every line that came from his mouth to form some flirtatious comment. Leading me to make a swift exit when we arrived at school, demonstrating my middle finger to Nathan as I walked away. Next time, I will make Myles drive quicker.

After I finished my touch ups, I exited the bathroom to be met with a sea of teenagers flooding the halls. There were many students scattering themselves all over the place. My eyes surveyed the chaotic hall before me, spotting one person; Isla Monroe.

Isla was my only friend at school: though, I found the word 'friend' was a stretch. She joined our school three years ago and was assigned me to mentor her in her first days here. From then on, she latched herself to me, keen to be my friend. As my efforts to brush her off fell short, I ended up letting her hang around me. She was most of the company I had in school.

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