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If it wasn't for fear of offending Erica, my plate would be untouched, as my appetite was completely nonexistent. It was only to fix my attention elsewhere, that I took any notice of my food. Routinely, I would circulate my gaze around the table, feigning interest in whatever was currently being discussed.

Each time I shifted my focus round the table, I found Marcus' eyes already glued to me, with a malicious glint in his eyes to match the faint smirk threatening at his lips. It made his face seem so smack-able, that I was consciously having to fight off the urge to walk the table and do so. Not cowering away, I maintained a cold stare back in disgust, before easing my view with Myles, who sat idly opposite me.

Like me, he also had refrained from entering into conversation, unless forced too. It was evident, compared to earlier, that he had tried to tidy up his appearance but to no avail, as his crisp, white top and clean, floppy hair didn't hide the sickly look welded to him.

'So, Myles, where have you been? Feels like I haven't seen you in a while?' My mum asked, with her glowing smile on married to her lips.

Myles swallowed his mouthful, shooting me a look for help, as he was put on the spot. I return a minute shrug, as interjection from me would just seem odd. Placing his cutlery down, he returned his own picturesque smile, leaning in slightly to enter the conversation.

'Yeh it has been a while since I last saw you.' He began, answering confidently, 'Just been a busy little boy. Had a lot more basketball training and school work going on.'

I let out a stifled laughed at his comment, masked among the other quick laughs from the table. Myles had always been good at crowd pleasing and making conversation. Granted that he hadn't said anything special, but he won people over effortlessly with his endearing charm.

'He's got a girlfriend now too.' I pointed out to my mum, as I knew she always hinted at the idea of me and Myles dating.

My mums face dropped slightly in surprise, before regaining herself, with a genuine excitement for Myles. She held Myles a soft spot and I knew she saw a version of how she would want her own son to be, if she didn't have me.

'Since when? You never told me this, Myles?' Erica cut through, speechless at the news I had just dumped on everyone it seemed.

'Because it's not true. We're just seeing how it goes.' He corrected, with grit dispersed in his words.

It was apparent to me, that this was aimed towards me spilling his secret, but to the others at the dinner table, it came across shy and defensive. I believed it safe to assume this was known news that they were dating and he would have at least told his mum.

'What's her name?' My mum asked with a comforting expression, taking some heat off of Myles and the torrent of question incoming from his mum.

'Lina. I don't think you would know her, but she's in mine and Evelyn's year at school.'

'Evelyn, are you friends with her? Is she pretty?' Came the question from Erica, blatantly doing some recon on her.

'I only know her from around school but she seems nice.' I smiled, unsure of what to say as I didn't really know the girl, 'And yeah, she is very pretty.'

Erica beamed in pride as she built up an image of the dream girl dating her son. It was the first time she had heard the possibility of Myles having girlfriend and someone for her to bond with to have girly chats. From what I assumed, Erica had relationship issues of her, which she now hoped she could numb with a fixation on Myles' dating life.

'How did you meet her, Myles?' She whipped her head to him, 'And, when?'

'Mum, not now! We can talk about it later.' Sending subtle message to everyone at the table to drop the topic.

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