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'These seats free or you actually got 5 friends coming to sit with you?' Nathan's voice sounded, as he stood opposite me with a slanted grin on his face.

Without waiting for my reply, he slipped onto the seat across from me, lazily dropping his lunch tray down. It was packed with canteen food, that didn't appeal to me at all, but to him it was just food. His worn gym kit that paired with his short dampen hair helped me deduce he had been at training, hence the large amount of food he'd got.

'What if they aren't free?' I challenged, as I place my book aside.

'Then you have 5 more friends than I thought.' He shot back with his winning smile still plastered on his face.

I chuckled in defeat, as there wasn't much of a defence to make. It would be easy to take offence but there was more humour in it being true. There was no one coming, ultimately leaving me slightly clueless as to why Nathan had blessed me with his company. My peripheral had already noticed the fleeting glances sent our way; the schools heartthrob suddenly sitting with whatever I was. Slut? Hoe? Bitch? Any of those would most likely suffice.

Inadvertently, I let my now disregarded book close, as I eased into the idea of Nathan's company. As he started to pick at his food, I settled my attention to his effortless post-workout look he still wore. Nathan's torso and arms were carved out for display wearing a black compression shirt that clung to him like a second skin. There was something stunningly attractive about a well fitted black outfit, that Nathan was currently demonstrating to many adoring girls in the cafeteria.

'So, did you want something?' I queried before Nathan became utterly engrossed by his food.

'Nope. Why would I want something?' He countered with a creased brow, seemingly dumbfounded by the question.

'Why are you sitting here then?' I stated with no patience to beat around the bush.

Managing to swallow the swig of water he had just taken, an amused smirk beamed off his cheeks, finally deciphering what my original question was alluding too. I brought my arms to wrap around my front, pressing an answer from him with a contrasting expression.

'You're so socially challenged! I'm just sitting with my friend. Is that ok?' He remarked, before taking another bite from his food.

To me Nathan had been an extension to Myles. Never directly my friend, but good company that was added to the side. I could see how Nathan would think we are friends, but ultimately that 'friendship' was based on nothing but sexual tension and attraction.

'We're not friends though.' I replied honestly without the intention to be rude.

'I'd say we're friends at this point. And as I said before, you're socially challenged so your view doesn't really matter.' He quipped in response.

That was enough for me to drop my suspicions. It wasn't that his presence bothered me, but I knew that normally there was some ulterior motive. It was nature that he sat with Myles and other boys in our year at lunch, which is what made this unexpected to me.

Though, it had caught the attention of various people throughout the canteen; including Myles. His glare didn't falter, as I caught sight of him, hunched over the table with an unidentifiable expression. It took me a moment before I snatched my gaze away from his, frustrated I had searched for him in the first place.

'I don't think you want to be friends with me.' I said to him, with a sudden spur of playfulness.

'And why not?'

'Because we both just want to fuck each other and probably would at some point.' I said bluntly, 'And that wouldn't be good for you.'

Instantly, he laughed a little understanding the truth in what I had said. Even if we wanted to just be friends, we both knew better. I had no loyalties or repercussions, but he did. Plainly, Myles had no principles to mad about, but didn't mean it wouldn't taint their dynamic.

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