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Today was the fifth day that Nathan had sat with me at lunch. Bizarrely to me, I didn't mind it. My expectation was that he would leave me alone, but each day he found me, in my usual spot and sat with me. Admittedly, he was funny and I could see why he's best friends with Myles.

Most of my lunchtime consisted of Nathan's endless talking and joking, which made a change to peace and quiet. I enjoyed my own company to much for my own good, but I could also appreciate certain people, given there was a firm barrier set between us, that would keep them a safe distance away. A boundary that had been weakening at its knees recently.

Since Alexander had bestowed me with the most gorgeous golden necklace adorned with two glistening diamonds, in black and chocolate, his disposition towards me had changed. Each morning he messaged me how beautiful I am and so on. He's asked me on dates and picked me up to see me. He sent flowers to my house, under the alias of 'Alistair Stockton', which went flying over my parents heads. I was truly in awe. And, clutching at strings to hold onto some dignity and reality of his marriage.

It's hard to contain myself when the most attractive man I ever had the pleasure to meet, had his feverish sights set on yours truly. Something had clicked for him; perhaps his vanilla wife had finally become too stale or maybe he sensed some fear of losing me recently. Deep down, no matter how much envy I held of his wife's position, I hoped he worried about losing me.

All of thoughts, lead me to pick up my phone, replying to Alexander from this morning. I had sent him a mirror selfie of me; bed hair thrown in a ponytail, as I changed into my lilac purple underwear and a cheeky little smile plastered across my lips. His reply had come whilst I was in my last class, so had left it until it was easier to open privately. Or privately enough.

A small blush warmed my cheeks, as his lustful reply heated the space between my legs. I composed myself before Nathan was able to make some remark or notice. Though, he wasn't a worry as he stuffed pizza in his mouth while scrolling over his phone.

'What's the oldest woman you would get with?' I asked him unprovoked, nonchalantly stealing a sip of his soda.

'I'm not into older women, but never would go over 30.' He spoke, as if he'd predetermined his answer, 'What about you?'

'I like older guys.' I answered evasively, watching Nathan position his thick forearms on the table in interest.

'Not surprised. What's the oldest guy you got with then?'

'50 something. Oldest I would go because then it's grandaddy type.' I spoke, sucking at his straw after, with hope he wouldn't give me the dramatics or shock.

Myles had a mini hissy fit when I had told him previously. He called me stupid about hundred times, all the while swearing death upon the guys soul. I had made him promise to never tell anyone, and it seemed from Nathan's reaction, he had kept his word.

'Fucking hell Evelyn.' His animated face gaped at me, 'What is it about older guys? I bet they can't last longer than 5 minutes.'

I refrained a humourless laugh, as I rolled my eyes at him. This type of thing was the exact thing I didn't like about guys my age. They all seemed too immature.

'They make me finish and that's all I'm worried about.' I shot him a sickly sweet smile.

'I always let the girl finish. It's common courtesy.' He smirked, as if fond of the girls he'd taken to orgasm, 'Plus, don't want any unhappy customers.'

'I will hold you to it.'

'Will you now?' He smirked again, folding his arms across to challenge exactly what I meant.

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