first kiss:

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(requested) OhSoYouAreNana

your name in the story; pihu

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your name in the story; pihu

2K words 


you met jaemin 1 year ago when you shared the same class with him. being the "extrovert" he is, he initiated everything first. you were quiet, only loud and expressive around people you were close with just like everyone else.
you hated changing classes, but you have no choice. the school system is based on grades. kids with higher grades go to classes that are labeled as "the top class"
the system is bullshit.

for you, you were average, with grades that were enough to satisfy you and your parents, although they would always be happier if your grades get even better.
jaemin was the same. he wasn't perfect, but he tried and did what he could. jaemin was an extroverted introvert. he doesn't mind talking and making new friends, but sometimes, he needs his space too.

sitting with jaemin, you didn't expect much. all your close friends were put into different classes, you were essentially alone in this new class. you didn't expect to become friends with jaemin, you didn't plan on it either. but you got some slight sense of relief when he kept talking to you. maybe you won't be lonely this school year after all.

even if you didn't have many friends in that class, at least you had him.

it started with him awkwardly trying to start a conversation with you, wanting to become your friend since you seemed so quiet, not interacting with anyone during free periods unlike other students who would talk with their friends. he said a   simple hi, and said his name. of course, you said yours too in return. the tension was so awkward, jaemin just said "hope you have a great day" and awkwardly turned to look back at the book he was reading.

a few days later, he asked for a pen. coming into class, panting with messy hair, you could tell he was in a rush with his mind not working properly. he came in 10 minutes later and sighed in relief when he didn't see a teacher in class. he sat down next to you, muttering a soft, breathy "good morning" before setting his bag onto his lap and digging through it.

"fuck.. " he mumbled, running a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. he turned to look at you. "hey um pihu. you got a pen I can borrow for the rest of the day? I forgot my pencil box"
you didn't have a reason to decline, so you gave him a pen. he smiled and thanked you. by the end of the day, he gave you back the pen as promised.

suddenly, weeks flew by. the only conversations you had with na jaemin was through stationary borrowing and him asking about your day, telling you to have a good day or asking for help on homework. that's how the friendship bloomed. just like any other friendship, a simple share of an eraser or pen can create a whole new friendship. exactly how it was now with you and jaemin.

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