[7.41pm] jaehyun

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you sat at the table, not really knowing what to do. your friend begged you to accompany her on her date even if you declined cuz you didn't want to third wheel. but in the end, she promised to bring you to a buffet and let's be real, can you really deny free food?

so in the end, you agreed and now here you are, sitting in a cafe with your friend and her boyfriend as they chatted happily about their own thing which you did not understand one bit.

you sat next to her, face in your hand as you scrolled through your phone. it got boring after a few mins so you plugged in one side of your airpods and listened to music while looking around the cafe and admired the aesthetic.

you had your face in your hands making your cheeks squish together which you really didn't care about at the moment. you just wanted to ignore the chirping couple next to you as you complain to yourself for being a lonely potato chip.

little did you know that from afar. barista! jaehyun has been not so creepily looking at you. the boy saw how bored you looked next to the couple. he didn't know your relation with them but he felt bad for you. he and another friend of his was the only one who had the morning shift that day, so it was just the two of them. no bosses, no nothing.

jaehyun knew how it felt to be left out on stuff whether it's within a friend group or being a third wheel with couples.

he could tell you were enjoying yourself and you rested you hand on your hand, lip syncing to the music you were listening to.

jaehyun felt generous so he thought it would be nice to make you a cup of coffee. on the house that is.

he filled the sml coffee cup with some expresso, then he mixed frothed milk inside and made a cute little design of two people holding hands with a heart in the middle. of course, jaehyun was no artist so it was merely two stick men.

jaehyun walked over to your seat and handed you the cup of coffee with a warm smile on his face that he hoped would make you feel warm inside  he had always been complimented about his smile, countless people telling him that his smile made their day.

"it's on the house" he said as he placed the cup of coffee on your side of the table.

your friend noticing it and giving him a small smile and a tiny hit to your shoulder with her elbow along with a tiny smirk.

you smiled at jaehyun who had walked back to the counter, continuing to dry the washed coffee cups.

you looked at the little artwork on the cup which made you smile.

you took a sip of the coffee. the foamy top giving you a little milk mustache.

jaehyun noticed it from afar and giggled.

you looked up at his giggling as you two locked eyes for a brief second.

the best second that you two have ever experienced.

and the second feelings became to bloom.

nct // imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora