tickle fight: shotaro

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genre: fluff1K words

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genre: fluff
1K words


"y/n, are you ticklish?"

your head slowly pans towards shotaro who sat next to you with a sickeningly sweet and innocent smile on his face. the question may have been simple and not so concerning at all but the smile on his face said otherwise.

he may look cute but sometimes his words have not so cute intentions.

shotaro is cute and he knows it. and he also uses that to his advantage.

"I'm.. fine I think... why?" you ask, awfully curious and suspicious as to his true intentions. but shotaro just shrugs with an unknowing hum, leaning back on the couch with his hands behind his bed.

eyes focused on the TV, shotaro still had that smile on his face.

you narrow your eyes at him and he suddenly turns to you again. "wanna make a bet with me?"

you raise an eyebrow. "what kind.. "

"a nice bet."

"which is... "

"a tickle fight." he answers, smile growing wider making his eyes turn into crescents and his cheek bones more prominent.
"uh huh... and what happens to the loser?"

"hmm.. " his lips purse up in thought. "I haven't fully thought through that but, loser has to do whatever the winner wants"

with your chin held high, you think for a while. "okay.. but! under one condition"

shotaro leans in, listening intently.

"no extreme dares"

"oh don't worry. I have nothing too extraordinary in mind. it's something nice and... simple" there he goes again, showing his innocent smile.

"alright then. it's a deal. what do we do?"

shotaro raises a finger. "wait a moment" he gets up, running to the kitchen filling up two glass of water and running back to the couch. he hands you one glass.

"fill your mouth with a little bit of water. whoever spits out the water or if even a little drop of water escapes your mouth, you automatically lose."

you smirk arrogantly. "I'm going to win. I've been tickled enough by my siblings to become completely immune"

shotaro looks at you unimpressed. "yeah sure. sungchan says he's completely immune to bullshit but sneezes everytime haechan opens his mouth"

"that's his problem"

"eh. shall we start now?"

"of course" you throw him a sweet smile and he counts down with his fingers. at the count of one, both of you drink half a mouth full of water.

you two put the glass down on the coffee table and look at each other competitively.

glaring at each other, it was like the both of you were planning attacks on each other in different places, creating strategies to win.

shotaro pounces on you first, hands immediately going to your sides, tickling you, but you were true to your word.
getting tickled at the side by your younger siblings randomly for seven years straight had made you immune to that simple attack. okay sure you were still a little ticklish there but it was tolerable.

attacking back, you tickled shotaro's ears and he successfully falls back. cheeks puffing up, his eyes became half moons and he was desperately trying to protect himself while also trying to attack you back.

you thought you were going to win since it looked like he was on the edge of breaking but you were very wrong.

somehow, shotaro had held your foot hostage making you fall back into your side of the couch.

he pins both your hands above your head and uses his knee to support your leg on his. with his free hand, he struggles to. tickle your feet making you jokes back and forth trying to break free from his grasp.

you can practically see him laughing even with water filled in his cheeks.

he was winning for sure.

and when you thought things couldn't get worse, he poked your armpit and you immediately spit out your water. droplets sprayed into the air, some getting on shotaro while the rest felt back onto you drenching your shirt.

he gulps down the water in his mouth. "I win!" he backs away and cheers, hands pumping in the air while you drowned in misery.

he dances like a child, shaking his butt while slowly turning in circles, singing random tunes as part of his victory dance. next thing you know he's freestyling to nothing.

"what do you want me to do.. " you grumble, interrupting his moment.

with your head hung low, you don't hear an answer but instead you hear shuffling. however, you just listen intently, not lifting your head.

you feel shotaro lean in but he doesn't touch you. more shuffling and thumps could be heard before he finally answers.

well, he kinda answers your questions.

you feel arms wrap around you and suddenly you're being pulled onto the carpeted floor trapped in shotaro's embrace. he's gone so far to keep you trapped by placing a leg over your hip bone.
"what I want you to do is cuddle with me" he mumbles out, face pressed into your shoulder with closed eyes.

"what.. "

"you've been so busy this week, we sleep at different times and I have no time to do this." he adjusts his position to get the both of you comfortable. "I just want to fall asleep hugging you.. "

still comprehending everything, your hand moves on its own, bringing itself to shotaro's back. slowly, you stroke him back gentle and you can feel him relax completely.

"so you planned a this?"

he nods into your shoulder.

"I'm too comfy. can we sleep here?"

you laugh lightly. "well you even brought down some pillows and pushed the table away. we have enough space to roll around all we want so... why not. it won't be that bad"

you can't see but you're sure he smiled. "it's late, let's sleep now." he reaches for your hand bringing it to his head. "stroke my hair"

you don't complain, stroking his hair until the both of you eventually fall asleep on the floor, your hand placed on his cheek comfortably.

first shotaro fic :) couldn't think of a better title >:/

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first shotaro fic :)
couldn't think of a better title >:/

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