ice cream: ten

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"One Belgium chocolate ice cream please" You told the cashier.

"Alright, can you wait 5 minutes? We are currently making the ice cream" The cashier informed you.

"Sure" You gave a warm smile as you paid for your ice cream.

You stood at the side as you waited for the ice cream to be made.

You were slightly awkward, this being your first time ordering alone all because your younger brother who was the biggest extrovert, wanted you to learn to order stuff by yourself. You stood at the side of the cashier, letting other people pay for your food. You glanced at your younger brother who had a big smile and gave you a thumbs up from the entrance of the small mart. Next to you were a few other people who had a few ice cream cups in their hand, they were probably waiting for the same ice cream flavor as you. You fumbled with the receipt in ur hand to ease yourself.

"One Belgium chocolate ice cream" You heard the cashier say.

"Uh ah, that's me" You raised your hand a little bit in an awkward manner. The cashier gave a small smile before handing you the ice cream. "Thank you" You said loud enough so he could hear. well, you hoped he could hear you.

"Hey, I also ordered the same flavor" You heard someone next to you say. You turned your head to see a boy holding his receipt, showing it to the cashier. "I'm sorry sir, but you need to wait a while more" The cashier told him.

To avoid any weird situation, you quickly walked away to your brother who still had a big smile on his face. Oh how you wished you can slap that smile off na jaemin.

"Congrats noona. You didn't chicken out" He congratulated you.

"Shut up jaemin, now take your ice cream" You handed him the ice cream. He thanked you before eating his ice cream happily.

You too began eating the ice cream slowly, a slight pang of guilt was in your heart. Maybe that boy ordered it first and waited longer than you.

"Is something wrong noona?" Jaemin asked you but you shook your head. He shrugged before continuing his ice cream.

Your eyes darted to that boy who had finally gotten his ice cream. He seemed to notice you from a far and gave you a slight glare. You quickly hid yourself behind your ice cream and jaemin who sat in front of you.

"You know, you're being really weird" Jaemin commented while licking his ice cream. "Well that's because you're na y/n so I guess it's norma-" You cut him off by slapping his shoulder.

"Owww " He pouted.

"You talk too much na jaemin" You snickered.

"You keep quiet too much na y/n" He said in a mocking voice.

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