Chapter 35 - Where Memories Lead

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Diane tilted her head. 'Sorry, but who are you?'

You looked at Meliodas and he looked at you. This wasn't something Diane would joke about. You bit your lip. Maybe this was related to all the times she had gone funny before?

King jerked back before laughing nervously. 'Come on, Diane. Don't give me a heart attack like that. It's me, King.'

'Wait, you're King?'

'That's right! You got it.'

Diane laughed. 'You must be kidding. I know him, and he's not a tiny little boy like you. He's more of a scruffy, oafish, blimp of a guy.'

'Well, I mean, yeah, that can be true,' King said falteringly.

But if it was related to her weird spells, that means something had been wrong and you hadn't done anything. You clenched your fists.

'Hey there, Diane,' said Meliodas. 'Are you still half asleep?'

Diane gasped and then beamed. 'Meliodas!'

'That's weird,' said Hawk. 'When did she stop calling you by your title?'

'Are you feeling all right, Diane?' you said, taking half a step forward. 'Does your head hurt at all?'

'[Y/n]? You're here too!' Diane leant down more, still smiling. 'Now that you mention it, my head does hurt a little.' Her face froze as she caught sight of Elizabeth between you and Meliodas and upon whom Meliodas was leaning.

Elizabeth looked slightly nervous under the scrutinising gaze. 'Um, Diane, are you okay?'

Diane's smile disappeared. 'And who are you?'

'Memory loss? It might be short term amnesia caused by blunt force trauma to the head,' said Merlin, turning to look at you, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk. Her voice still sounded echoey and her body was glowing at the edges. Aldan floated at her belly button.

'Woah. Merlin, how did you get your body back?' asked Hawk.

'I didn't. This is just an illusion to make things a bit easier.' The glow faded and the image of Merlin's body grew clearer.

'Oh, I guess that makes sense.'

Elizabeth lifted a hand to her chest. 'It's so strange. While Diane's forgotten that Hawk and I ever existed, she still remembers Sir Meliodas and [Y/n] just fine.'

'Been a long time since she called me Meliodas instead of Captain, though,' said Meliodas as he rubbed the back of your head.

You stared at the wall opposite and wrung your hands. When had Diane started feeling weird?

'Poor King,' said Hawk. 'You should have seen how pale he was. And don't think I haven't suffered. I came this close to being eaten alive.'

'Speaking of pale,' said Merlin with no visible sympathy to Hawk's plight, 'are you feeling okay, [Y/n]? You've been staring at that wall for a while now.'

You started. Everyone was looking at you. 'I ... well ... Diane ... ugh, I mean, I saw ... no, that's not right.' The right words weren't coming and everyone was still staring at you. You twisted your fingers faster. Until you caught Meliodas's eye.

Deep breath, he said, and start from the beginning.

You nodded. Deep breath. Easy. 'Just before we came to Camelot, Diane had this weird moment. She's had them since then as well. I meant to heal her. I was just about to, but then Galand came back and, well, you know what happened then.'

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