Chapter 75 - The One Twisted by Darkness

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The dark power was approaching fast. The hope and victory of winning the battle was replaced by dread and apprehension as fast as a snuffed candle. Your hand immediately flew to rest on Cosain's hilt but something made you stop. This power was familiar yet different. There was no bloodlust, no desire to fight. Just a deep sadness.

She landed heavily, dust flying through the air obscuring everything before you. Elizabeth was at your side and the same feeling that stopped you drawing your sword stopped you from forcing her behind you. Derieri walked stiffly out of the dust towards you. Her hair was shorter than you had ever seen it. Her eyes were faraway and lost. So desperately sad. They reminded you of Meliodas.

'Derieri?' said Elizabeth softly. 'Is that you?'

As she came closer, the knights around you muttered softly. Their misgivings rippled through the crowd like a cloud passing across the sun. Even without turning, you knew your friends would be standing tense and ready to attack. But still you didn't draw your sword.

'Oh my,' said Tarmiel from somewhere behind you.

'That's the one who ...' Sariel trailed off.

But Deathpierce picked it up. 'The Ten Commandment who killed Sir Denzel. Derieri of Purity. Oh, thank you, gods. I'm grateful. Now I'll finally have the chance to avenge Sir Denzel with my own two hands.' He roared and charged past you to attack.

'Hold on.' The words you spoke were too quiet. You tried again. 'Wait! She has no will to fight.'

But Deathpierce didn't stop. His blade cut through the air and struck Derieri on the neck. And, with a great crashing sound, the sword shattered.

For her part, Derieri didn't even blink. She just kept walking to you ever so slowly only stopping when she was about a metre away.

'Why are you here?' you asked, completely letting go of your sword. 'What happened to you?'

Derieri's face screwed up and she looked at the ground instead of meeting your eyes. 'A lot. And at this point, I ... didn't know where to go. But then ... I sensed your magical power ... Elizabeth's too ...' She stopped for a moment, seeming to struggle over some words, sucking in harsh breaths through her teeth. 'Monspeet, why? Why'd you have to ... save me? That moron.' Her eyes weren't lost anymore. They were full of hate. 'Damn you, Estarossa.'

You frowned. 'Estarossa?'

But before you could say anything more, your head snapped up. More dark power was coming from the same direction as Derieri had, but it was coming faster. With more intent. Elizabeth gasped and this time you did force her behind you. Your eyes narrowed in on Estarossa's form getting closer and closer, his hair whipping back and his face screwed up in hate.

'Finally found you,' he shouted in twisted glee, one hand reaching out already.

Still somewhere behind you, Sariel and Tarmiel spoke in unison. 'Wait, isn't that—?'

Estarossa laughed. 'Well, what do we have here?' His eyes were locked on you ... no. On someone behind you. 'I just found something even better. Feels like I just hit the jackpot. Evil Hound!'

Your fingers were stiff but you somehow managed to draw your sword. Just in time. As from Estarossa's glowing body, a giant wolf emerged. It had glowing red, hungry eyes. Elizabeth clung to your shoulders and Derieri gritted her teeth. The knights' panicked shouts and their horses' whinnies were lost under the beast's crashing footfalls. It ran through the battlefield, scattering ranks and breathing fire. And it was headed straight for you. Before you could swing your sword or think of a spell, it swerved. The scorching heat covered your body, almost forcing you back. You were trying to keep Elizabeth behind you, trying to keep the wolf in your sight and trying to think all while the relentless heat pounded against you and Estarossa's uniquely awful power threatened to engulf you.

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