Chapter 64 - Love is a Maiden's Power

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[Y/n]? [Y/n], can you hear me? Meliodas waited, but there was no answer. He stared at the image Melascula had conjured. [Y/n] still hadn't moved. Blood still flowed from the cuts on her body. Her chest was still.

He dragged his eyes from [Y/n] to look at his ring. It couldn't shine, its colour muted in the darkness. Was that why it wasn't working? He could only just feel [Y/n] if he really concentrated. But it was especially hard to concentrate right now.

'No. That tainted child ... What unfortunate timing for her to awaken.' Melascula hissed.

Meliodas gasped and turned to her. 'Did you just say Elizabeth's awake?'

Melascula smirked down at him. 'Well, for now. Unfortunately the curse will probably kill her in three days' time.'

'And [Y/n]?'

'What do you mean?' Melascula giggled. 'You can see her right there.' She waved to the image. Meliodas's eyes flicked to it and away again quickly. 'Looks like it was you that killed her this time.'

No. Meliodas gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He wouldn't. He would never.

Melascula clapped her hands. 'I just had the most wonderful idea. If I can separate Elizabeth's power and destroy her Goddess side, then I'll be the saviour of the Demon clan. Wouldn't that be amazing?'

'Don't you touch her.' Meliodas's hands shook.

'Oh?' Melascula tilted her head. 'But if I do, then maybe the curse won't activate. [Y/n]'s already gone. She won't remember you at all this time. Elizabeth is all you have. Really, I'm doing you a favour.'

'Listen,' said Meliodas, forcing his voice steady. 'For the last time, let me out of here right now.'

But Melascula just laughed and vanished in a blink.

Meliodas was alone. Alone in the dark. All he had was the vision of [Y/n]'s lifeless body and the words of Melascula. And somewhere out there was Elizabeth in danger. Always in danger. Because of him.

No. He wouldn't let this happen. Not again.

He'd promised.

Even as your stomach twisted with worry for Meliodas and Elizabeth, you couldn't stop smiling. It was certainly an odd combination, but else were you supposed to do as Elizabeth stepped up to heal the others? She raised one arm and her power fell like soothing rain.

Diane opened her eyes, the blood gone from her face. King got to his feet with no trouble. Coland was quiet. It was almost peaceful.

Elizabeth beamed at you. 'What do you think?'

You nodded. 'Very impressive. You must've had a good teacher.'

'I did.' Her smile turned cheeky. 'Zaneri really helped me a lot.'

'Oi.' You poked Elizabeth in the side exactly where she was ticklish. 'You take that back.'

Elizabeth giggled and twisted away from your hand. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.' Her smile turned kind of sad as she met your eyes.

So you swallowed thickly, nodded once and turned back to the others.

'Your magic power,' said Elaine, still leaning on Ban. 'I've never seen anything like it. When you showed us before, I couldn't believe it. But it is true, isn't it? You really are half-Goddess and half-Demon.'

You looked between Elaine and Elizabeth. Showed them before?

'But I'm a little confused,' Elaine continued. 'Which Elizabeth are you right now?'

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