Chapter 21 - The Looming Threat

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'So this is the Trumpet of Cernunnos, huh? You gotta be kiddin' me. Thing is frickin' massive.' Ban looked at the giant horn. It certainly was impressive looking, stretching up into the gloom. In the darkness of the room it was barely visible, illuminated only in a muted light from an unknown source. The surface of the horn was ridged and part of Ban wanted to touch it. But he didn't. Instead, he spoke to it as the legend had said to do.

'Yo, Goddess or whoever! Is there anybody home?' His voice bounced around the room. Ban wondered idly if he should perhaps be more polite when speaking to a goddess, especially when he was asking for something. Well, too late now.

'Hey, if someone can hear me, I want you to revive Elaine and in exchange take my life.'

No one answered.

'Hey, are you listening?'

Still no reply.

Ban lowered his head and put his hands in his pockets. 'Yeah, yeah. Guess it wouldn't be that easy, would it? Ah well.' He turned away.

'Who are you?' said a voice. A woman.

Ban span, looking for who had spoken. Could it be-?

'Ban!' Hawk was perched at the top of the Trumpet.

'That you, master?' Ban stared up at the pig. 'What the hell are you doing up there? Come to think of it, why are you here?'

'You tell me,' said Hawk. He started to freak out. 'Where is this place? And, for that matter, where is Elizabeth?'


Elizabeth was thinking. She twisted one of her father's blankets in her hands and stared at it. But she couldn't see it. All she could see was Sir Meliodas and [Y/n] fighting, their faces covered in dirt and scratches. She had to do something. But what?

'Are you afraid?' The king's voice interrupted her thoughts.

'No,' said Elizabeth, turning to him, 'because I know [Y/n] and Sir Meliodas will be coming soon. Besides, I'm with you now, father.'

'I see. But it's only a matter of time before the two of us are separated once more.'

Elizabeth blinked. 'What?'

Her father shifted, turning his solemn gaze on her. Elizabeth couldn't look away.

'You are familiar with how my magical power, Vision, works, are you not? It only gives me insight into my own fate and surroundings, but by vague words and visuals, lets me see into the future.'

'Have you seen something, father?'

He looked away from her. 'Very soon I will be rescued from this impenetrable chamber thanks to the efforts of a crimson boar.'

'A boar?' Elizabeth knew her adoptive father wasn't the type to speak nonsense. Which meant either the sickness was starting to affect his mind or he was telling the truth. But a boar? Did he mean Hawk? Elizabeth's eyes flickered to the door as she imagined Hawk bursting through them.


'So you're telling me that you got blasted all the way down here by that mage in the helmet?' said Ban. Hawk's story had been long (perhaps longer because Hawk embellished his own parts) but that about summed it up.

'Yeah,' said Hawk. 'She was probably scared of what would happen if I let my true power out.' Hawk snorted proudly. 'Anyway, let's get out of here. Now the first order of business is rescuing Elizabeth.' The pig turned to leave.

Ban stood up. 'Yeah, about that.'


'You better go on ahead without me.'

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