Chapter 26 - Our Fighting Festival

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The sun was still rising, the sky washed with orange. Behind you, people murmured, sometimes greeting friends as they appeared. Anticipation hung in the air, so thick it was almost palpable. At your side, Elizabeth spoke quietly to Diane and King. Merlin and Gowther weren't speaking, just watching. A small smile played on Merlin's lips but Gowther was as impassive as ever.

You rubbed your hands together and blew on them.

Meliodas turned to you. Cold?

A little. You shrugged.

He hummed and turned back around. And you're sure you're not nervous?

You huffed a laugh. Nah. Maybe I was at first but ... friends fight. Besides, I don't want to make Elizabeth panic even more.

You both turned to look at the princess. She was paler than usual, her eyebrows drawn up in the centre and hands clasped in front of her. Hawk was once again perched on her shoulder.

The sounds of light footfalls hopped through the sparkling air. He was coming. Meliodas stepped forwards and put his hands behind his back.

He appeared over the crest of the mountain, blue-white glowing faintly in the sun. Ban stopped when he saw Meliodas. 'Captain.'

Meliodas just smiled.

Ban walked forwards, hands deep in his pockets and eyes downcast. 'Sorry to keep you wai –'

'Hey, Ban,' said Hawk, interrupting with an admonishing wave of a trotter. Ban looked up. His eyes widened. 'You're the only one who's late to this party.'


The chatter rose up again, even more excited than before. It seemed everyone was ready for the fight to begin. Well, everyone except Elizabeth who looked very much like she wanted to say something.

'Been waiting for you, slowpoke,' said King, sitting with his legs crossed on Chastiefol.

'I just love a good festival,' said Diane with a wide smile.

From somewhere in the crowd, Little Gil's voice could be heard. 'I don't know what to do. I have the chills.'

Howzer's voice, just as excited, replied, 'Oh yeah, that's right. You missed the last Fighting Festival, dincha?'

Ban frowned. He closed his eyes. His eyebrows twitched in a way that meant an explosion was coming. And it did. 'Damn it, Captain! Just what the hell is going on here? What's with all these freakin' spectators?'

'Don't ask me. I don't know,' said Meliodas. 'I mean, by the time I got out here they were already gathering and getting hyped up.'

'How in the world could they –' Ban cut himself off with a choked gasp and looked to you. You raised your hands at his glare, your eyes flickering to the tiny pig on Elizabeth's shoulder. Ban growled. 'Master! Is this your doing? You were listening in on my conversation with the captain, weren't you?'

'Sure,' said Hawk without abashment. 'It's a fight after all. What could be better than having an audience cheering you on?'

'How dare you try and turn my fight into some type of damn festival?'

Elizabeth leant forwards a little. 'Sir Ban, I beg you, please don't be hard on Hawk. When he heard you two discussing it, he asked all of us to come and watch. Because, to Hawk and the rest of us, you and Meliodas are so dear, we couldn't bare it if anything happened to you.'

You reached out and put your hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. She turned to you. 'Come on, Elizabeth. I think even Ban knows that at this point.'

'Yeah,' said Hawk. 'Why spell it out for him now?'

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