Chapter 13 - The Angel of Destruction

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You looked up at your husband. There were many things you wanted to do in that moment: hit him, hug him, kiss him. At the very least you wanted to smile. But, before your brain and heart could choose, your knees made the decision. They buckled, and you fell.

'How was she able to set him free from the amber?' said Guila. There was a blur of movement and her hand that held Meliodas's sword was suddenly no longer attached to her arm. Guila wailed in agony.

Meliodas, still blank faced, took back his sword and let the hand fall. Your stomach clenched.

'How dare you?' Guila panted, clutching her bloody stump.

Meliodas drew back his sword and brought it down with a swish. The wave of power carved through the dirt. Pieces of grass and earth flew into the air and, over the loud rumble, you heard Guila scream. Dust covered the area. You didn't have the energy to try and see through it or understand the voices that were speaking. Instead, you tried to relax, to let the magic power crawling through your veins do its job in healing your injuries.

You didn't know how much time had passed but now you could hear Ban's voice. With great effort, you forced yourself to listen.

'Oh, sorry,' Ban was saying. 'I went on ahead and healed myself. Oh, nice spell beads. You guys have got some fun little toys.'

'Hold on,' said Guila, 'when did you-?'

But she was cut off by something. The dust was beginning to clear and you raised your head to see Meliodas and Ban racing towards each other.

'Captain, is it still really you in there?' Ban asked. And then he was gone. Attacked. Torn into pieces by Meliodas.

'What in the world's going on here?' asked Elizabeth from behind you.

You lifted yourself up onto your elbows and turned to her with the intention of easing her fears, but the tiny movements made your head spin.

'Elizabeth, are you feeling okay?' said Hawk as he joined the two of you. He still bore the effects of Guila's last attack.

'I'm fine, Hawk.' Elizabeth knelt down next to the pig. 'But I'm worried about [Y/n] ... and Meliodas. How's he doing? Do you have any idea?'

'Hell if I know,' Hawk said. 'Is that crazy-ass guy still Meliodas?'

A weak laugh bubbled from your lips and they both turned to look at you like you were crazy. Well, maybe you were because, as the air exploded and the ground shook and the sky was once again filled with dust, all you could feel was happiness.

Meliodas stood in front of you, Elizabeth and Hawk. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the enormous hole Meliodas had carved into the ground but you paid it no mind. You sat up and held out your hand, the one that held Meliodas's ring. Your arm shook. In a blur, Meliodas was in front of you, reaching for his ring. His fingers were gentle as they brushed against your palm. He straightened and put the ring back on, a shudder rippling through his body. And then he turned to Elizabeth and Hawk.

They squeaked and clung to each other, trembling. Meliodas bent down and started sniffing them.

'Sir Meliodas?' Elizabeth stammered.

'She's okay,' you said. Meliodas turned to look at you. His face was still blank. The gold band stood out against the black on his arm. Your voice was strained as you fought the darkness. 'We're okay.'

Meliodas stepped back, never breaking eye contact, and raised his right arm into the air. Tendrils of darkness began to crawl up his arm, writhing like flames. They formed the shape of a wing, a parody of your own, with purple-black feathers. And, in a blink, Meliodas had gone.

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