Chapter 29 - Revival of the Demon Clan

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It was the perfect day and Elizabeth was running. She sped through the streets of Liones, skirts clutched in her hands, passing citizens as she headed for the place that felt more like home than the castle. Soon enough, she was running on springy grass rather than cobbled streets. And it rose up in front of her, crooked roof first. The Boar Hat. Elizabeth smiled.

'Sir Meliodas,' she called. '[Y/n].'

A song started to play. It wasn't coming from anywhere in particular. Rather it seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. The melody was simple yet soft and lilting like a lullaby. It felt so familiar to Elizabeth and even though she couldn't hear any, she knew the song had words. The song kept repeating, the words dancing on the edge of Elizabeth's memory. She was sure if she could just hear the words, everything would make sense.

But the sky turned black. The air turned heavy.

Elizabeth gasped. She clasped her hands to her chest. 'What just happened?'

A ferocious shout came from behind her. It sounded like Sir Meliodas. Elizabeth turned. It was Sir Meliodas. He was fighting a group of shadows, each one darker than the sky. As Elizabeth watched, Sir Meliodas fought on, becoming more battered and bruised. His eyes turned flat black and that same crest appeared on his forehead.

A loud clanking reached Elizabeth's ears and she tore her eyes away from the fight. [Y/n] was a few feet away with heavy looking chains wrapped around her wrists, the ends buried in the ground. She must have been restrained for a long time, the skin under the chains was red and raw, and her face was streaked with dirt and tears. [Y/n] struggled fruitlessly against the chains.

Elizabeth wanted to help. She had too. But who to help first? It didn't matter. She took a step forward, but something pulled her back. She turned to see what it was. Some kind of purplish-black root had gotten hold of her arm. It gripped her relentlessly, seeming to get tighter as she pulled.

A feeling of dread and fear gripped Elizabeth's heart. [Y/n]'s struggles reached a new crescendo. The monstrous shadows loomed over Sir Meliodas. He panted heavily. One of the shadows walked closer. Elizabeth screwed up her courage.

'I won't let you hurt anyone else,' she shouted.

And suddenly the dark was gone. Everything was gone. Elizabeth was back in Liones during the fight with Hendrickson. It was like she was watching it happen to someone else. She watched as Sir Meliodas and [Y/n] defeated Hendrickson. She watched Hendrickson's body twist and tear apart. She watched herself dive into their arms.

And then in changed again. This time it wasn't something that Elizabeth remembered. It was more like the dream of a dream.

'So, you wanna come?' said [Y/n] and Elizabeth watched herself take the other girl's hand. Sir Meliodas, [Y/n] and Elizabeth called out farewells before disappearing into the distance on Hawk's mum. The last thing Elizabeth saw was the familiar shape of the Boar Hat on Hawk's mum walking to the horizon before everything was bathed in white.

Elizabeth woke with a gasp. She looked around her bedroom. The familiar sight calmed her racing heart even as the unfamiliar song started playing in her head again.

'Was I dreaming?'

The stone floor was cold against her bare feet, but Elizabeth didn't really notice. She walked over to her window and opened it, looking over the streets below. It was so much like her dream.

'I dreamt I was on a journey with [Y/n] and the others,' she told no one in particular. In her mind, Elizabeth saw her dream again. She saw Sir Meliodas fighting the shadows and [Y/n] wrapped in dark chains. The song didn't stop. Elizabeth frowned. 'But wait ... what on earth was that?'

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