Chapter 46 - For Whom Does That Light Shine?

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The light of King's power washed over you. It soothed your aching head and muscles and made the air smell like a forest in spring. The light faded quickly even though the power didn't. Now you could see Chastiefol in its Guardian form. Well, not exactly how you remembered.

It was still a bear, but buff somehow. Less cute. It faced off against Drole's golem, almost the same height. You watched them exchange blows.

Beside you, Gilthunder made a noise of awe. 'Incredible.'

You laughed quietly to yourself, feeling proud even though you weren't doing anything. But that was going to change. You broke free of your icy prison, shattering it like glass, and shook out your arms.

'What?' said the mage, dodging a swipe from your partner. 'Did my power weaken somehow?'

'Nah.' You blew on your hands. 'I was just getting cold. So come on, Little Gil.' You smirked at him. 'Help me warm up.'

Gilthunder returned your smile and charged. The two of you fought for a while. You punched his jaw and stomped on his foot. He swept your feet from under you and slammed an elbow into your gut. It was quite fun really. If you managed to forget what exactly was happening.

'Ice Passage,' the mage shouted from somewhere.

With a great cracking sound, fingers of ice started to spread across the ground. You breathed out slowly, impressed. Your arena was now covered in a layer of ice, much the same as, well, icing on a cake.

Gilthunder attacked with a shout, his foot aiming low. You were unprepared and, though you managed to jump over his foot, you landed poorly and slipped. You head smacked into the ground. Ouch.

You sat up slowly, spitting blood out your mouth. Diane's voice sounded like it was coming from everywhere. She cheered on Meliodas and Elizabeth and then you. You tried to focus on where she was coming from and saw what looked like a giant stone statue of yourself kicking the knees of Drole's golem. Huh.

A hand wobbled blurrily into existence in front of you. It was attached to Gilthunder. You took it and he pulled you to your feet.

'Don't help her,' said the mage through gritted teeth. 'She's our opponent.'

'Perhaps,' said Gilthunder, 'but she's my friend too.'

The mage growled and now he was attacking you instead of your partner. You stumbled slightly but managed to avoid his attacks. Jagged pillars of ice materialised around you, but you wove around them. Sometimes you came so close to being hit that you could see your reflection in the ice. But no attack made contact.

'Awesome,' said Gilthunder from wherever he was.

With an outraged cry, the mage's attacks changed. Raindrops of ice began to fall, harder and harder. It would've been so easy to block them with a barrier of light, but you forced yourself not to waste your power. So instead you dodged as best you could. A drop hit your arm. Another cut into your cheek.

'Stop! Why are you doing this?' Gilthunder called up to the mage.

'To receive my wish,' said the mage. His hair wasn't so tidy anymore, his face not as blank. 'And if that means I have to kill this girl ... then so be it.'

And he raised his hands. The biggest shard of ice yet began to form. Your chest heaved. The blood running down your cheek tickled. It was warm. And the mage threw the ice spear.

It happened in slow motion.

You saw the ice begin to fall. You saw your partner leap out of nowhere and collide with the mage. They both fell out of sight. You saw Gilthunder's eyes widen as he ran to you, a hand outstretched. You saw Elizabeth, her mouth open in terror. And you saw Meliodas.

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