Chapter 1 - The Seven Deadly Sins

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'All right, here you go. Thanks for waiting. Drink up!'

It was another busy day at the Boar Hat. Seats were filling up and people were still coming in. Meliodas couldn't help but feel pride at how far his small tavern had come.

'For such a little fella he's one hardworking waiter,' said a customer.

'Oh no, I'm not the waiter, buddy,' said Meliodas. 'I'm the owner of this place.'

As he walked off, Meliodas could hear the disbelief of his customers. It didn't bother him. That much. Any more.

So it was just another ordinary day. Meliodas fought not to reach under his shirt for the ring that hung around his neck. He didn't need the distraction. And besides, it was cold, which meant she wasn't wearing hers.

But then a distraction came anyway.

A man burst through the door. He was panting and leant on the frame. Everyone began to whisper at the sudden entrance.

'I saw it,' the man cried. Once he was seated with his own flagon of mead, he began to tell his tale. 'No kidding, I saw it with my own two eyes. I swear by all that's holy, it was the Wandering Rust Knight I saw out there.'

'Yeah, seems like it's been on everyone's mind,' said someone else.

'Come on,' scoffed another patron. 'They're just made up stories people use to scare their children into behaving.' He put on a mocking voice and said, 'If you don't do what I tell you, then one of the Seven Deadly Sins will come for you in blood rusted armour.'

Meliodas perked up. Time to get to work.

'The Seven Deadly Sins?' he asked, stopping the men's conversation. They looked over at him.

'You mean you've never heard of them, young tavern owner?'

'Their wanted posters are hanging everywhere, like those over there.'

Meliodas looked over at the notice board. It was required by the law to have one with the wanted posters but, truth be told, he didn't hate having it up. The drawings made him laugh.

'What was it? About ten years ago?' the man continued the story. 'Dozens of Holy Knights from across the land were butchered so fast they didn't even have time to defend themselves. And the Seven Deadly Sins were the ones who were responsible for it. From what I've been told, the way the Holy Knight's Grand Master was murdered was too gruesome for anybody to even look at.'

'It's said their captain, Meliodas, was the scariest one of them all. They say he's even brought down entire countries before,' someone else chimed in.

'I hate to interrupt, guys,' Meliodas cut in, reaching for a bottle of ale, 'but you keep saying Seven Deadly Sins. There are eight posters on that board.'

'Oh, yeah, that one in the middle just below Meliodas's? That's his wife,' said one man.

'[Y/n], right?' said another.


'I know you said Meliodas is the scariest, but if you ask me, it should be her.'

Meliodas fought back a smile. Hawk peered at him so Meliodas turned away.

'None of them have been caught yet, have they?' The conversation continued.

'Nope,' said a man. 'Not a single one.'

'Well I've heard rumours they've all been dead for years now.'

'Course they're dead.' The man scoffed. 'They have to be. The new Holy Knights would never let them live after what they've done.'

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