Chapter 60 - The Doll Seeks Love

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'Where are you?'

'Gowther, answer me!'

The shouts of your friends rose up to where you flew over the rooves of Liones. Each breath froze your throat and lungs. The fog was easier to navigate through than you had originally thought. You hadn't collided with any buildings or chimneys. Yet.

You scanned the streets for Gowther's hot pink hair. Occasionally, you caught glimpses of the other Sins as they searched. Meliodas and Ban went together, as did King and Diane.

'Let me get this straight, Captain,' Ban was saying. 'You and [Y/n] have known this whole time that Gowther was a doll?'

Meliodas told Ban what he knew about Gowther's origins. You only half-listened, worried that a story from your past would trigger that weird sensation again. If there was any way to not feel that again – to not worry Meliodas again – you would take it.

Down below, a flash of pink. You flew lower, sighing in relief as the pink turned out to indeed be Gowther. His face still betrayed his pain. In fact, he looked terrified. You flew faster, reaching out a hand.


But something made you stop. You hovered in mid-air, wings beating automatically and mouth open. Your arm fell limply to your side.

A vivid pink light began to flicker around Gowther's hands. 'Time for Lost World.'

Anger ripped through your body so fast and hot you thought for a moment you had caught fire. Your hands itched for something to break, to stab, to smash. Your chest heaved and your head span and the back of your throat burned.

[Y/n]? Meliodas's voice wasn't loud. But it made all the anger become sadness. A deep, deep sea with water that filled your lungs.

I just— You realised you hadn't blinked in ages and forced yourself to as hurried footsteps came from below. I can't— Diane collided with Gowther. You turned away. I need a moment.

You flew away from Liones. Away from your friend who needed you. Away from Meliodas. But no matter how far you flew, the sadness followed. Just as your back began to ache, you made it to the Boar Hat. Through the downstairs windows, you could see Elizabeth and Hawk chatting in the bar, so you flew straight up to the roof and landed as quietly as you could.

The wooden floor wasn't cold as you sat which normally would have alarmed you, but right now you barely noticed. Your hands weren't shaking. Your cheeks weren't wet. Were you real? Somehow, for some reason, the world was still going. Time ticked on. You tried to keep up, tried to keep your head above the waves.

But you were tired. So tired. And so cold.

Once again, Meliodas was worried. More about [Y/n] than about Gowther, which sounded kind of bad, but he didn't care. The story of Gowther's past hung in the air between him and Ban, heavier than the fog.

Ban peered down at Meliodas. 'You worried about [Y/n] or something?'

Meliodas blinked. 'How'd you know?'

'I'm not completely stupid, you know.'

'Could've fooled me.'

'Oi.' Ban flicked Meliodas's head. 'Besides, you know what you have to do.'

'Yeah.' Meliodas smiled slightly. 'Make her feel better—'

'—and kick the ass of whoever made her feel this way.'

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