Chapter 22 - What I Can Do For You

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There's a time and a place for marvelling at the wonder of the brain. It's not when you're flying over a city that's being attacked while searching for someone you love who was taken by a half-demon asshole. But that's what you were doing. Because, as your eyes scanned the ground for any sign of Elizabeth and Hendrickson, you were busy thinking about the black flames tearing up and down your arm and the words spoken in Ban's voice that were bouncing around inside your head.

'Hey, Captain. So I've had this suspicion for a while and I've done my damndest not to ask, but I think that now's the time. You're from the demon race, aren't ya?'

But you blocked it out because you'd found her. And someone you weren't expecting to see.

You landed lightly behind Dreyfus, watching both former Grand Masters with narrowed eyes and doing your best not to listen to what was happening to Meliodas.

'So, you found us already?' said Hendrickson with a slightly mocking tone that you did not care for.

'[Y/n].' Elizabeth gasped.

Without taking your eyes off the knights, you reached out your hand behind you. 'Give it to me.' As soon as Elizabeth placed the dagger in your hands, you flung it away. 'What were you thinking?' you whispered.

'Lady [Y/n].' Dreyfus's deep voice caught your attention. 'I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you, but please leave Hendrickson to me.'

You scoffed and opened your mouth to say something scathing, but you felt a tugging on your shirt. Elizabeth was grasping the tattered material and trying to pull you backwards. So you rolled your eyes and let her. But you did draw your sword.

'What do you think you're doing?' said Hendrickson.

'Hendrickson, I'm the one to blame for changing you so drastically and for bringing this unimaginable chaos to the kingdom. Therefore, I will atone for these wrongs here and now by righting them myself.' Dreyfus ended his little speech by shifting into an attacking stance.

The black markings on Hendrickson's skin began to writhe. 'Do you honestly believe you have the power to stop me?' Hendrickson lifted his sword too.

You pushed Elizabeth further behind you, noticing as you did that the flames on your left arm had flickered out. But, as much as you wanted to check in on your husband, you didn't let your attention waver.

'Yes,' said Dreyfus. 'I will defeat you no matter the cost. I vow as a Holy Knight of Liones and I give you my word as your friend.'

They began to fight. Hendrickson dodged Dreyfus's first swing and ducked under his guard to knock an elbow into Dreyfus's jaw. Dreyfus didn't even flinch, instead ramming the butt of his sword into Hendrickson's chest.

You stayed back, only shifting as the two fighters moved, making sure you were always between them and Elizabeth. She let out little gasps every now and then as blows landed and you wanted to comfort her somehow but didn't know how.

You found Elizabeth right? Meliodas's voice in your head was exhausted.


Tell me where you are.

I have no idea.

Meliodas groaned.

Look, you said, everything is in ruins and I'm kind of preoccupied.

Yeah yeah. Hawk will find you guys.

I think we're at the Magical Research Build – oh. He had fallen asleep.

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