Kuroko: They seem getting close to each other.
Mikoto: Yeah. I guess so.
Wendy: I didn't know Romeo likes Uiharu-neechan.
Chelia: That's why I'm supporting on both of them. (Speaks so happily)

They walk close to Uiharu and Romeo then Wendy speaks to them.

Wendy: Hey Romeo, you're with us too?
Romeo: Yeah, Uiharu invited me to your study group. I guess we do a lot of summer homeworks, so I accept her offer.
Kuroko: I know you two are dating. But as her friend, I wanna tell you. Please take care of her.
Romeo: Yes. I will.
Mikoto: Come on you guys let's go now before it's dark.
Everyone: Ok!

They went to Uiharu's dorm to do their loaded summer homeworks. They eat together, and they help each other to do their homework. Kuroko tries to flirt with Mikoto and same goes to Chelia and Wendy while Uiharu and Romeo smiles while the 4 of girls arguing.

Time Skip

It's already curfew so the girls and Romeo went outside and they go to their dorms.

Mikoto: Ah! That was a great work and we were all done with our homework.
Kuroko: Yeah. That will be easy if we always work together.
Wendy: And we were all have fun.
Chelia: Like you eat too much like a dragon, Wen. (teasing Wendy)

Everyone laughs at Wendy.

Mikoto: Yes. Since we were little, she eats 4 plates of omurice in a meal.
Chelia and Kuroko: Wow!
Chelia: Wow Wen you eat a lot more food but you're still slim.
Wendy: Well my metabolisms are fast. And my mom told me that it's natural for dragon slayers to have big appetite.

While they were walking there's a strange man asks Kuroko and Chelia to help him so Mikoto and Wendy leaves them and head to their dorm. Then Shokuhou hides in the alley in between two buildings, she uses her brainwashing ability then,

Kuroko: Why I can't move?
Chelia: (freezes)
Strange man: How about forgeting the memories of Mikoto and Wendy Misaka.

Then the strange man left.

Meanwhile in Tokiwadai dorm

Mikoto and Wendy goes inside their rooms and then their Head Resident inspects each room.

Room 208

Mikoto: Oh come on. Where are Kuroko and Chelia. They took so long it's curfew time.

The Head Resident opens the door.

Head Resident: Why are you in this room?
Mikoto: What do you mean? This is my room, Kuroko and I shared this room.
Head Resident: You are now assigned to Room 301.
Mikoto: Room 301? What do you mean by that?

Wendy went outside when she heard a loud noise.

Wendy: Hey that's big sister, what's going on?

Then their Home Resident saw Wendy at Room 209.

Head Resident: And you too. You also reassigned to Room 301 together with your sister.
Wendy: Wait! What!
Mikoto: Come on let's move our things now Wendy.
Wendy: Ok. (confused)

The two girls including Carla move to Room 301 and both of them thinking what's going on.

Mikoto: This is odd. Why would the dorm reassign us together in this room. Perhaps this is better to take a leave in punishing Kuroko everynight.
Wendy: I don't get it too big sister. But I have a bad feeling about this.
Carla: I sense that the classmate of yours Mikoto is something to do with this.
Mikoto: You mean Shokuhou! Well in that case maybe she can manipulate Kuroko and Chelia too.
Wendy: Oh no!
Carla: Calm down girls. As of now we need to plan this thing. For now we should take some rest.


What is Shokuhou's goals and plans?


A Certain Sky Slayer Mages in Academy City Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant