3. "Not all vampires"

Start from the beginning

That summer night wasn't as hot as the others, but I started to feel hotter as I kept running at a constant pace. After running around town for about twenty-five minutes I decided to call it quits. So, I let out a scream -thinking no one would hear me- and I rested my hands on my knees as I tried to get my breath to go back to normal.

"You should walk." I got so surprised by this familiar voice that I almost fell, again. I looked up to find the impeccable face of my new vampire friend Dennis. I stood up straight as I tried to get my breath back.

"What?" with all the surprise he caused me, I didn't even hear what he said.

"After going for a run, you should always walk instead of stopping so abruptly. You could get hurt." Dennis looked like he knew what he was talking about, so I listened to him and I started walking towards my house. He followed.

"But wouldn't your blood heal any possible injuries?" I asked, genuinely curious. He looked away from the floor for a minute to look at me. Even though I was looking ahead, I still felt his penetrating look.

"My blood should be out of your system any minute now, so I wouldn't risk it." he smiled at me, and I couldn't help but to smile back. He was so handsome it made me dizzy.

As I was getting lost in his blue eyes, I thought of something that made me shiver.

"Were you following me?" it was a likely possibility, and I didn't know how to feel about a vampire that was following me around.

"Oh, no. I was in the woods and I heard you screaming." I let out a sigh in my head, the only reason I didn't do it for real was that I was still trying to regulate my breath. "I thought I'd have to save your life again." we laughed. He thought I was in danger again, so he came to find me. God, I wished he didn't have to see me like this, all red and sweaty.

We were a few minutes away from my house walking on the side of the woods as the soft summer breeze moved both of our hairs. We took turns looking at each other while the other was looking away, which felt... interesting. The feeling of his look on me was like a blanket that I never wanted to be rid of.

I knew what desire was. I was a 21-year-old woman, of course I knew what desire was, but I had never felt it in the same way I felt it that night. It was like all my problems in life would've been gone if I just had sex with him, which made no sense. I've never been one to sleep around, or get too crazy about men, but something about Dennis was different. I didn't know if it was because he was a vampire, or for some other reason. All I knew was that I wanted him.

Before giving in to my darkest desires, an idea came to my head.

"Hey, I know you're a vampire and you probably have better things to do, but I was wondering if I could interview you." he gave me a surprised look, and I did what I do best; I kept talking. "I'm actually about to start my fourth and last year of journalism and I have always wanted to write a peace on vampires. I know there's been about a billion stories on vampires since they came out four years ago, but I always find them very subjective. In half of them, the interviewer is so in love with the vampire, and idolizes him to the point of losing all credibility. And in the other half, the interviewer is so closed off to the idea of vampires being good, that they condemn them without actually caring about what they have to say." I said it all so fast that I had to catch my breath again. He looked really amused by me, which made me smile. God, I wish I wasn't so intense sometimes.

"I would love to." at that moment I felt like hugging him -to say the least-, but I kept my feelings to myself. I wondered if he thought of me like that.

"Really? That would be amazing." he nodded, and I jumped a little out of happiness.

I would finally get my chance to get their side of the story, and that made me very excited. And I'd also get to spend time with him, which made me even more excited.

We walked until we were in front of my house. I thought of inviting him in, but my mother would absolutely die of a heart attack, so I decided it was a bad idea.

"So, this is me." I said as I stood in front of him, with my house on my back. He nodded and smiled. "So, we should probably set a date for us to meet and do the interview. As soon as possible works for me."

"How about tonight?" he seemed eager. The thought of him doing this for me made me smile. And I would've loved to do it that night, but I had plans.

"Oh, actually there is a party tonight at the local bar, so I can't." and then I had another great idea pop into my head. "But you could come by. The people of Santa Mon would love to meet a vampire." boy would they be excited if I brought a vampire over to the bar.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea." he said, hesitant.

"Oh, c'mon. They won't stake you, I'll make sure of that." the idea of me protecting a 125-year-old vampire made me laugh in my head. But I had a certain pull on the people of Santa Mon, so I could try to make Kimmel's as pleasant as it could get. He still seemed reluctant. "It would be a great chance for us to get to know each other before the interview, and that way we can be completely comfortable around one another." I know, I was going on a stretch in order to get him to come to the party, but I didn't care.

"Okay, I'll see if I can stop by." and that line made my smile widen to its limit.

"Great, see you then." I turned around to start walking to my house, but his manly voice stopped me, and startled me once again.

"Oh, and Stella. You should be more careful." it didn't sound like a threat, it sounded like he was concerned. I turned around to face him again.


"You should be careful who you let know where you live." it seemed ridiculous that somebody would attack me in my own home. I mean, this was Santa Mon, nothing bad happened here.

"But you won't hurt me." I didn't know how I was sure of that, but I was. Something about Dennis made me feel safe.

"But you can't know that. Besides, not all vampires are like me." he seemed angry now, not just concerned. And that made me worry about my own wellbeing.

"Okay, I'll be more careful." I agreed. After all he was right, I should be more careful. His face relaxed a little after I said that. Why was it so important for him for me to stay safe?

"Good." his eyes were locked on mine now, and I didn't want to look away, but the thought of my mother seeing me talk to an unknown man forced me to.

So, I looked away from him, and then gave him one last smile before walking away.

Immortal Love Book #1. AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now