Chapter 8

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(Luke's P.O.V)

I knew she was gonna have questions. I just don't know how I'm gonna tell her that she is gonna leave everything and everybody. I mean of course she could always talk to them over the phone or mail. Or she could even come visit on holiday. Me and Calum had always wanted a kid and we feel that she is the one. And we hate to see her end up in the foster system.

"Well... You see Sarah sweetie. My brother is coming with us. But everyone else is gonna have to stay behind." I tell her slowly waiting for a reaction. She just stares. "Will I ever be able to see my friends again?" She asks choking on some tears that are threatening to stream out. "Yes love. You can always video call text you can even come and visit." I tell her and I hold her now crying form to my chest. "Okay..." She says. I smile big. "Really?" I asked with some excitement. "Yes really." She says as she wipes her tears on the sleeve of my hoodie she threw on. Just then Calum walked in. "So we are a family?" He asks with a big smile as me and him look to Sarah. She nods and we have a group hug. Me and Calum are no longer. Its me Calum and our daughter Sarah.

(A week time skip)

"You ready love?" I say as I close the trunk of the u haul filled with my brother and Sarah's stuff. "Yep" she says and gets in the back of the mini van my brother owned. And I called shot gun so I could sit next to Calum leaving sarah sitting next to Ash and Michael sitting next to my brother Jack.

Four hours into the trip I noticed everyone is asleep except Sarah. "Hey love bug what's wrong?" I asked as I notice a tear down her cheek. "Oh its nothing." She says wiping her tears and going on her phone. I knew something was up. And I didn't want her to bottle that up inside. I was about to turn back around until I saw her grab the necklace from around her neck and hold it to her heart. I wasn't going to question a single thing. I was gonna let her open up o her own.

(Sarah p.o.v)

I hold onto Rufus. I cant believe that I'm literally just leaving. I can't believe that my mother changed so much. And how could she possibly marry him. He killed my best friend! I feel that tight feeling in my chest that I had felt before we took off get even tighter and before I know it I'm gasping for air. "Shit calum pull over! Ash wake up!" I hear Luke's voice shout in demands. I feel a pair of arms go around me. "Shh love it ok. Breathe in through your nose out through your mouth." Ashton says calmly. I try to copy but fail tremendously. "Luke we might need a relaxer she won't calm down." Ash says. That's when I start freaking out. "NO NO SHOTS PLEASE!" I cry out. "Hang on that thought ash let me try. Its time for a switch of driver anyways." Calum says as he pulls over and gets out. Luke moves to the drivers seat and Ash moves to the passenger seat. After everyone is seated and buckled me still gasping like starts driving and calum holds me. He has such a mothering feeling. He's gentle and caring and calm. And he smells like Lavender. I must have calmed down cause next thing I know I'm yawning. "Get some sleep princess." Calum says as he pets my hair. I get really sleepy and fade into a land of darkness.

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