Chapter 12

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"I want my mom." I say catching everyone off guard.

(Ash P.O.V)

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. I understand she is going through a tough time right now and it probably feels like no one is here for her. I sigh. I feel her pain. I pull her closer to my chest and just hold her. "It'll be ok I promise." I says as a calming whisper in her ear.

We must have been like this for 20 minutes because I heard the sound of keys jingle and the door knob opens revealing a tired looking Luke and Calum. "Hey were home." Calum says hanging up his keys and taking off his shoes. "Where's Mike?" Jack asked. "He got pulled into surgery. Last minute." Luke said coming over to us. "How was our princess today?" He asks kissing her forehead. "We were okay, could be better." I say for her. "Aww we can talk about it after I shower and wash off these damn germs." Luke says in response. "hey watch your mouth!" Calum shouts from the bathroom causing us to laugh. "Sorry babe!" Luke shouts back. "Oooo lala." We hear Sarah say making us laugh more.

(Sarah P.O.V)

We are all sitting on the couch in an awkward silence. I'm assuming the guys want me to talk about what they walked into. But I don't want to hurt their feelings about mentioning my mom. We hear the door open and close. "I'm home. And I brought pizza!" Michael says coming into the living room. "Oh crap I was gonna make spaghetti... Oops." Ash says causing the guys including my self to laugh a little. "Anyways so Sarah do you wanna explain as to why when I came home your face was all puffy and red from crying?" Luke asks calmly. I looks away scared thinking if I tell them would they get mad or would they think that I don't want to be with them. But if I don't tell them they'll think that something worse has happened. "Hey princess take your time we wont rush you into telling us. But right now we should get some food into you." Calum says. Myself and the other guys nod in agreement and go towards the table where Mike put the pizza. "Thank you Micheal!" We all say before eating a slice.

After dinner the guys go and sit on the couch talking about their days while I head upstairs to shower. I had quiet a long day. I just really hope the guys don't worry too much about me.

I was showering deep in thought. 'where would I be right now if I never left home?' , 'i wonder how my mother is doing', 'would life be better if I weren't ever born?' I ask myself. As I stare into the distance deep in thought I get flash backs. Flash backs of all the good times in life.

(Flash Back)

It was warm, the wind gently breezing along. The smell of flowers fill the air. My mom calling my name. "Sarah come on you don't want to be late do you?" She says with a smile. Today I get to pick out my first pet! I'm so excited. I always wanted a puppy but my mom said it was too much to handle at the time. At that time we were still living with my dad.

We go into the animal shelter, the strong sent of cats and dogs hit my nose. "Yayayyayyy!" I says excitedly. I walk around the side where all the dogs are. There are many poor animals here in need of a home. I feel bad for these poor things. As I'm walking a specific puppy catches my eye. It has blue eyes and a dark brown coat with a white patch going down the left side of his face. I walk closer to the glass and stare as the puppy jumps up and gets all happy. I smile "He's the one." I say aloud to my mom. "Are you sure you want this one?" My mom questions. "Yes. Yes I do." I say with a huge bright smile.

(End of Flash Back)

As I was thinking about the happiest moment in life I get a flash image of Rufus. Constantly getting flash images of him getting beat to death. All the times my mom and me were beat by my biological father. All these images are giving me a migraine! They won't go away! "Go away! Go away! Go away!" I shout. I feel a burning sensation take over my body and I scream. "AHHHH!" I yell as the water from the shower burn the shit out of me. I quickly turn off the shower and hop out while wrapping myself in a towel crying and hissing in pain with every step I take.

(Luke's P.O.V)
(A few minutes before the incident)

"Hey Ash can you tell me what happened earlier?" I ask. He sighs and looks at me. He then looks at the other guys who are sitting on the couch watching sports. "Well earlier Sarah was crying about her mom. She said she wanted her." Ash says to me slowly. My heart breaks in two. Not because she wants her mom but because I know how hard it is for her. I can probably guess how traumatic it must be going through half the shit she's going through. "We need to figure something out. Living in a house of all boys and no female to be able to relate too. It's probably really stressful." I say to Ash. "Agreed." He says back to me.

As we were continuing our conversation about another matter we all heard a scream that terrified us all. "Shit" me and the other guys say as we all rush upstairs to the source of the scream which is Sarah. She comes out of her bathroom steam every where, it was hard to see but it most certainly wasn't thick enough to cover the fact that Sarah was redder than a tomato. "Micheal go turn the water on cold, Calum get her clothes ready, Ash your helping me." I say as I walk over to Sarah. My poor baby was burning up and crying. "Hey sweet girl were gonna put you back into the shower to cool you off a bit it'll be okay." I say and I carefully guide her back into the shower. I take off her towel and put her in the shower and I go in with her still fully dressed. I look at her arms and her legs and see that her skin is already started swelling and peeling. "It burns!" Sarah cries louder. "I know I know just a little longer in the water and then we'll get some cream on you." I say trying not to cry myself. Ash is helping Sarah stand because her legs are burning so much she can't on her own. After a few more minutes in the cold water we turn it off and bring her to her bed wrapped in a fluffy towel where Calum is waiting with clothes for Sarah. "Ash go get the burn cream please." I ask. He nods and leaves the room while I help Calum with dressing Sarah. "I-it h-hurts so m-much." She sobs and hiccups. "I know sweet girl we are gonna put some cream on it and wrap it up so it doesn't hurt." Calum says.

After a whole bunch more screaming and yelling from Sarah we finally managed to get her all calmed down and put ice packs all over her wrapped up body. "Thankfully the burns aren't bad enough so we don't have to take her to the hospital. We do have to keep an eye out on her and make sure that these burns don't become infected." Calum says quietly while gently petting Sarah's head as she hiccups to sleep. Micheal comes into the room quietly and looks at us. "I heard no more screaming so I kinda quests she tired herself out." He says with a small smile looking at the sleeping Sarah. He then clears his throat and looks towards us. "Well I figured out the reason the water got so hot. The valve to the hot water pressure was loose." He says. "Let's just pray this never happens again this one has been through too much in the time span of a month." Calum says. Just then Jack came in. "Actually she's been going in and out of hell her entire life." He says sadly. We all sigh. "Well we should make beds on the floor either that or take turns watching her." Ash says. "I'll call off for tomorrow." I say. "Are you sure Luke?" He asks. I nod. "Ok then." With that Ash, Micheal, and Jack left Sarah's room leaving me and an ready sleeping Calum. I smile and kiss both their heads and lay down as well. "Get well soon princess." I say as I close my eyes.

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