Chapter 14

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(Sarah P.O.V)

"Luke can we talk for a minute?" I ask myself in the mirror. "I want to get help. I don't want to be sad and upset anymore. I want to talk to someone and actually be able to be happy." I tell myself. I stare into my reflection as I speak on. Tears start brimming my eyes. "My life up until these past few months has been a living hell and I don't wanna remember all of it. It sucks and I hate it. But you and the boys brought me happiness and gave me a home." I watch myself as tears flow like a steady stream down my cheeks. "The least I can do is to go get help so then that way I won't be as depressed and be less of a burden." I say fully breaking down. "I can't do this?.? why did I say I would do this??" I say slowly sinking to the floor sobbing as all the memories of my past starts to unveil. I feel a pair of strong yet comforting arms wrap around me pulling me into their chest. "It's alright Sarah I'm here. Just let it all out." I hear Luke's comforting voice say. "L....Luke I'm s....sorry" I stutter. "Don't be hunny. It happens to the best of us." He says as he starts to rock back and forth with me in his arms. "I...I... W....wanted to" I say stuttering. "I know sweet heart. I heard everything when I was bringing in your laundry. But let's not talk about that now. You need to calm down and relax we can talk about it later with Calum okay?" He asks. I nod and yawn. "You must be getting sleepy. Come on let's get you into bed so you can nap." He says helping me up. "D... don't l...leave pl.... please." I say. "I have to make lunch. How about you lay on the couch in the living room?" Luke asks making me nod. "Okay come on then." He says as he helps me into the living room.

(Luke's P.O.V)

I lay Sarah on the couch and throw a blanket on top of her while she rests her head on a pillow. Poor thing must be drained after having a mini panic attack.

I turn on the TV and turn the volume on low with the news on and go into the kitchen to prepare lunch. I start chopping the meat for the soup and I pop it into the pot of boiling water so it can be one nice and soft. Then i throw in some spices to make the broth of the soup taste delicious. To be honest I love cooking. It's one of my specialties.

While I'm chopping up the veggies my mind starts thinking about Sarah. Poor girl must've been through hell before we met her and then coming with us must've added extra pressure. Although I'm glad that she wants to talk about her feelings and get help. In fact I am so fucking proud of her for wanting to do this. It shows that she is mature and can make decisions on her own.

As I was lost with thinking of how proud I am to be a dad to an amazing teenage girl I notice blood on the chopping board... WAIT BLOOD?!?! I snap back to reality when i realize I cut my hand while I was lost in thought. "Well shit." I say to myself as I reach over to grab the paper towels with my none bloody hand and head to the sink. I turn the sink on and stick my hand under the running water to clean the cut as much as possible. Shit why am I the only one home.... Wait Jack is here!! But shit i can't tell cause then I'd wake up Sarah and my phone in on the table. "Bloody hell." I whisper to myself. "Fuck it." I say as I was about to yell for Jack he comes down the hallway half awake. "Morning Luk-" I cut him off. "Jack can you fetch me the first aid kit please and be quiet Sarah is asleep on the couch." I say in a quiet ton. He nods and rushes to get the kit. "Here." He say as he runs back with it. "Thanks." I say as I pull out gauze and rubbing alcohol. I inspect my hand thankfully the cut isn't too deep and I won't be needing stitches and it's nothing too serious so rubbing alcohol and gauze will work just fine.

After patching up my hand and cleaning the blood up I had Jack finish the soup and I went to go check on Sarah. I saw that she was sitting up on the couch holding her mouth with tears in her eyes. "Hey bubs what's wrong?" I ask as I take a seat next to her." She points at the tv. "Today the body of a 42 year old women found in a swamp in Orlando Florida early this morning. The identity of the person was soon concluded as Lillian Knox. Her death was concluded as a suicide. Further details about the situation have yet to be revealed to the public but we will keep you up with the news. Back to you Bob." The news reporter says. My eyes widen and I look at Sarah. "'s my mom..."

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