Chapter 11

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(Luke's P.O.V)

I woke up to the sounds of muffled screams. I was concerned that it might be Sarah having a nightmare. And when I looked my suspicions were correct. She was having a nightmare. I open her door more and go in. I see her arms swinging all over. I go over and hold her arms so she doesn't hurt herself or me. "Sarah wake up." I say calmly hoping I don't have to shout. When she doesn't wake up I shake her a bit. "Calum!" I shout now worried as to why she isn't waking up.

Just then the door swung open. "Do you need me to get a relaxer?" Ash asks. I'm assuming he woke up from the yelling. I nod and Calum comes rushing in and runs to her and hugs her. "Hey sweety I need you to calm down please." He says worried. A few minutes later Ash comes back with the needle. "Here." He says and hands it to me. I carefully inject it into her thigh. Within a few minutes she starts to relax and she opens her eyes.

(Sarah's P.O.V)

I open my eyes from an awful nightmare. I see three of the guys standing around me all looking worried. Did I wake them up? Next thing I know Calum holds me close. "You had us really scared pumpkin." He says and kisses my head. "I sowwy." I say like a little baby. Don't judge I have my ways of comfort. I say to myself. "Its ok pumpkin. We were just really worried." Calum says holding me. I nuzzle into his hold feeling oddly calm for just having a nightmare. My body feels like its floating. "That's the relaxer there sweets." Ash says. "I can see the confusion on your face." He laughs. I nod still quite not getting what he's saying. "You should try to get back to sleep princess. Don't worry I wont leave." Calum says. And with that I was out.

I woke up the next morning smelling my favorite smell bacon. I get up and start heading towards the smell of the bacon. When i get there I see Calum making bacon while Micheal does the dishes and Ash pours coffee for himself. "Good morning princess." Ash says walking over and kissing my head. I smile and say good morning back. I then sit at the table waiting for food. "Hey love some of us have to go to work today. But don't worry Ash and Jack are staying here with you." Calum says passing me a plate of food. "Oh...ok that's fine with me." I say. Calum puts the plate infront of me and I smile. "Thank you." I say and start eating. "Your welcome hun." He looks at his watch and his face turns into panic mode. "Shit we need to go now we are 10 minutes late!" Calum yells for I'm assuming Luke. "Bye sweety have a great day." He kisses my head and heads out and Micheal and Luke do the same thing.

Its now the afternoon I have been in my room all day writing. I love to write stories on my off time. It gives me a piece of mind. I'm writing a story called the adventures of Sarah and Rufus. I smile slightly. He would have loved it here. But I know what's done and there is nothing I could do about it. Although it pains me to know my best friend. My brother is gone. Speaking of best friends I totally forgot about Josh and Katie! I sigh and pick up my phone. They probably want nothing to do with me.

S: Hey guys....


J: God are you okay?

K: what happened!

S: I'm ok. I'm living in California with four doctors and Mr.Hemmings.

K: you mean the hottie that left the school. Man you got lucky.

J: so I'm assuming that means you got away from that whore of a mother and dick of a boy friend?

S: yup. Actually I haven't spoke to them in a long time. And I'm actually becoming really happy.

K: OMG I am sooo happy for you. We are currently getting ready to go shopping with our mom for a end of the year summer party. I wish you were so you could join 😢

S: I'm sorry. I really miss you guys. I promise to come visit as soon as I can.

K: maybe we can video chat soon?

Just as I was about to answer I heard a knock at my door. "Hey sweety lunch is ready." Ash says. I nod. "I'll be down in a second. Thank you." I say. He nods and leaves.

S: yah that sounds good. I'll talk to you guys later I have to go eat.

K: ok enjoy!

J: talk to you later sarah.

I smile and put my phone down. Man it feels good to talk to them. I still feel bad for forgetting them. I'm just happy they are understanding.

I head downstairs to the kitchen where I see Ash helping Jack sit. "I'm fine Ash I can sit on my own mate." He says. "I know but your body is still weak after what happened." Ash says back. I sigh and finish walking in and sit down which catches their attention. "Hey princess." Jack says with a smile. "Hi. What's for lunch?" I say. "Well I decided on burgers since we are having spaghetti for dinner and we haven't gone shopping yet." He says passing me a burger. "Thank you." I say and grab some ketchup. "Your welcome honey." He says and sits down with his and Jacks burger. I watch as Ash helps Jack eat and do the easiest of movements. It makes me wonder.

'Was I to late to help him?'
'Is he gonna be like this his entire life?'
'What would've happened if I weren't here?'

I didn't even realize that I was crying until Ash wiped a tear that was running down my cheek. "Hey what's wrong Sarah?" Ash asks a little worried. I look at him in the eyes. His eyes are of someone who is so caring and gentle. Just the same as Calum's and those of a mother. God why does my life have to be so shitty. I start to full on cry. "I want my mom." I say catching everyone in the room off guard.

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