Chapter 10

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(Luke P.O.V)

I sit there and watch as Sarah lays there still unconscious. Poor thing. She has been through so much in the time span of a few months. I cant help but to notice her necklace shining in the light. I go closer to her to pet her hair and I read the message. 'Rufus' it said. I wonder who that was. I look closer to the necklace and it says 'from dusk til dawn I will always love you' that brought some tears to my eyes. I just wanted to give her a hug at that very moment. I kissed her forehead and moved some stray hairs out of her face. "Poor thing." I say. I sit there holding her hand for a while. After 20 minutes I notice her start to wake up. "Luke..." She says whimpering. "Hey love your ok." I says and hold her close. "I don't feel good..." I nod. "I know love. Its because you passed out." I say and kiss her head. She smiles which makes me smile. "Thank you.." She says getting more of her strength back and waking up more. "What's this!!" She says starting to panic pointing at the IV. "Shhhh its all right that's just your iv to keep you hydrated. Your ok." She nods and lays back in my hold. "Don't leave me again." She says. "I'll try not to princess." I say and hug her. She falls back to sleep and so I put her down. I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." I say but not loud enough to wake her up. As I see who walks in I notice its Ashton. "Has she woken up?" He asks. I nod. "You just missed it. She was awake for like 5 minutes." He nods. "Poor thing." He says. I nod in agreement. "Hows Jack?" I ask. "He is doing better. We are gonna discharge him soon and refill his prescription." He says. "That's good." He nods. "Hey do you want coffee or anything to eat? I'm heading to the cafe soon." He says. I nod. "Vanilla coffee 4 sugars please." I say. He nods and writes my order down on a sticky note. "I'll go ask the others as well and I'll get Sarah some OJ (orange juice)." He says. "Thank you." I say and with that he leaves. I hold Sarah closer.

After 20 minutes later Ash comes back with the drinks. "She still hasn't waken up?" He asks disappointingly. I shake my head. Just as Ash takes a seat she lets out a slight whimper. "Shh baby your okay." I say as I hold her close. She opens her eyes and sits up with a panic. "Jack!" She shouts causing me to hold her tight. "He is alright pumpkin. He is alright." I say soothing her hair. She kooks around confused. "What happened where is he?" She asks worried. "After we got to the house to get Jack to the hospital Mikey saw you in the corner having a panic attack. He tried to calm you down but you passed out. You have been out for a few hours." I say stroking her hair. "I thought he was dead." She cries. "I know peanut I know. But he is alive and that's all because of you." I say trying to lighten the mood. "Here have a sip of this." Ashton says trying to get her mind off the topic. "What is it?" She asked. "Orange juice love." I say. "Oh..." She says.

As we sit, talk, and drink Jack comes in with Mikey and Calum close behind. "Hey we are ready to go when you are." Calum says and walks over to Sarah. "Hey hon how are you feeling." Calum asks stroking her hair. "Fine I guess just a small head ache." She says. "That's because of all the crying you were doing today missy. Come on lets get you home." With that we all walk to the car and drive home.

When we got back to the house the settlement of the air didn't feel as cozy and homey as it usually does. Instead it felt quiet nerve racking. Then again a ver serious and scary event happened here in this very house 24 hours ago. We walk inside and take our shoes and stuff off. Mikey heads into the kitchen to grab cleaning supplies to clean the mess. And Ash helps take Jack to his room. Me, Calum, and Sarah sat in the living room. Calum and I not being able to take our eyes off her incase something triggers a flash back of the events. "Can we have pizza tonight?" She asks out of the blue causing me and Calum to laugh. "Since you were such a brave trooper today we can have pizza for dinner." I say as I watch the smile on her face grow twice as large. And from the background you can hear Mikey yelling with joy. "I swear I live in a house with a bunch of kids." Calum says. "Hey what about me?" I pout. "Aww baby you act like a kid too." He says in his mommy cooing at baby voice. That causes Sarah to break out laughing and she tumbles off the couch. Me and Calum are quick by her side already checking if she hit her head and she just laughs. "Guys I'm fine." She says. Me and Calum physically relax and help her up just as Ash and Mikey walk in. "Hey so Jack is asleep right now his medicine makes him drowsy so I'm honestly not surprised and I wont be if he sleeps through dinner." Ash says making me and the others nod. Well except Sarah. "So he is gonna starve?" She asks looking towards Jacks door worried. "Don't worry he wont go hungry. We will leave food aside for him but he needs rest in order recover fully." Ashton says. "Ok...." She says. And with that we order pizza.

"Ugh this is sooo good!" Mikey exclaims as he finishes his 3rd slice. "Save some for Jack!" Sarah shouts. Everyone else laughs. She rolls her eyes. "Someone is getting grumpy." I say looking at her. She death stares me and I chuckle. "Is is bed time for you?" I ask. She shakes her head but you can see the dark marks in her eyes. "Come on I'll tuck you in." I say getting off the couch and going to her room with her. "Luke...." She says sadness evident in her voice. Which causes me to grow concerned. "What's wrong honey." I ask as I lead her to the room and sit her on the bed. "Will Jack be ok?" She asks tears streaming down her face. "He will be alright hon. I know what you witnessed was very scary but I can promise you, you are in a house of doctors. We wont let anything happen to you or him." I say sincerely. "Promise?" She says sticking up her pinky. "I promise." I say wrapping my pinky around her and we seal the promise with a kiss. I let her take a shower and change into pjs then I tuck her in. "What if I have a bad dream?" She asks. "Well then me and Calum or one of the guys would come in here and tell you that its alright and then take you to our room and ket you sleep with us. But try and sleep on your own for now ok pumpkin." I say while moving some hairs out of her face. "Ok..." She say and yawns. I kiss her forehead before shutting off the lights and heading to bed myself.

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