Chapter 15

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"'s my mom..."

(Sarah's P.O.V)

"How could this be possible! She was in prison! And now she's dead!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. "I hate life! If i would have never left maybe she would've just left that scumbags ass and we could be a family again! Why did she kill herself?!" I scream and yell as tears flow down my cheeks. My chest starts to tighten and my breathing picks up. "Sarah listen this isn't your fault. She must've not wanted to take responsibility for her actions and in a result she... Well..." I cut Luke off. "She killed herself." I say coldly. "Yah..." Luke breathed out. "I wish I was never born. I'm the cause for all this trouble." I say and go to my room leaving Luke behind.

(Luke's P.O.V)

This poor child is going through a lot. But I feel as if there is nothing I can do for her. Just then Calum comes in. "Hey babe." He says as he kisses my head. "Hey." I breathed out. "What's wrong?" He asks while sitting down. "This morning Sarah had a panic attack. And now we just found out that her mother was found dead. Poor girl has gone through a lot already. And now this." I say sighing. "I see. I wish there was a way for us to help her." Calum says in response.

Me and Calum where in the middle of talking about today's events when we heard a blood curdling scream coming from upstairs. "Shit!" Me and Calum say as we run upstairs. I tripped over a sock left on the step causing me to fall. "Fucking Christ Luke are you okay?!" Calum says. "I'm fine!" I say trying to get back up. Just as Calum was coming down to help me we see Jack walking out of Sarah's room with Sarah. "Oh my God Luke!" Sarah says as she sees me on the ground. She starts to freak out and tears start to pool over her already red and glossy eyes. "Sweety I'm fine but are you? We heard you scream?" I say while wiping her tears. "I-I h-had t-t-to let it o-out." She says starting to cry. I smile at her response and pull her into a hug. "She came to me asking if we could talk and of course I said yes and we talked about it and she said she needed to get it off her chest so she screamed." Jack says trying to clear up any confusion. "Well Luke thankfully you are getting away with a few bruises." Calum says. "And Sarah me, you and Luke need to have a chat. I think there is something we all need to get off our chest." Calum says with a sigh.

As we go to stand up the front door opens revealing two knuckle heads with a box of pizza. "Where ho..... What did we miss?" Mike says while Ashton places the pizza on the counter. "Why does it look like my princess was sobbing? Luke what did you do?" Mike says. "Your princess?" Calum replies. "Anyways... I just took a tumble down the stairs and Sarah got worried." I say trying to ease the tension. "wait you fell down the stairs?" Ashton says walking in. Welp so much for trying to ease the tension. "Okay look you brought food I'm starving let's go eat!" Jake says. "Yay! Pizza!" Sarah says jumping up.

The morning after yesterday's unfortunate events we got a call from the police station talking about the death of Sarah's mother and how Sarah was in her will. Me and Calum had a talk about it and we thought it would be a good time to take Sarah out for the day and try to get out of a stuffy house filled with loud adult-toddlers.

I head down the hall to Sarah's room where she is putting on makeup. "Why do you need make up your already beautiful past compare." I say walking in. "Ha ha your joke was so funny I almost forgot to laugh." She says placing a brush up to her eye. The room is silent for a second until she talks again. "Anyways I'm only putting on a small amount of concealer and mascara." She says closing the tube. "Okay I'm gonna pretend I know what those are." I say with a smile causing her to chuckle. I smile more. Just watching her have a good time even just small moments like this. It makes me realize why i wanted to adopt her. She is amazing and full of potential. She is my pride and joy. "Uhm... Luke you good?" She asks. "Oh yah sorry I'm just happy to see you laughing and smiling." I say. She smiles. "it feels nice to smile and laugh every once in a while." I chuckle. "Alright sweet heart finish getting ready we have a whole day of events planned." I say getting up and making my way out. "I will dad!" She shouts. I stop in my tracks for a moment. "Did you just-" she cuts off my words. "Yes I did. I called you dad." She says with a smile. Not just any regular smile but one that can beat the brightness of any sun. "I-I m gonna go finish getting ready now." I say smiling. "Okay!" She's says in response.

"Dad... Dad... I like the ring of that." I say smiling putting a white button up on. "Hun what are you mumbling about?" Calum says walking in. "You'll never guess what Sarah said to me." I say odviously excited. "What did she say?" He says coming over and kissing my cheek. "She called me dad." I say smiling proudly. "Aww our baby is growing on us." Calum says. I smile in response. "I hope tonight goes well. We have lots to talk about." He says walking over and getting his coat on. "Yes let's hope tonight goes well."

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