Chapter 13

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(Luke POV)

Its been two weeks since the shower incident and for the most part Sarah has been good. Her body has recovered, but her mind hasn't. I'm currently sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen drinking coffee with Mike while Sarah is at school. "Hey Mike?" I say and take a sip of coffee. "What's up?" He asks still looking at his phone. "I have been thinking. What if we have Sarah see a therapist?" I ask. He squints at his phone while slightly pulling it closer to his face not answering. "Micheal!" I shout. "What?" He asks. "What is so important on that phone of your's? I'm trying to talk about the well being of my daughter here and your not even paying attention!" I shout. "Well damn Luke chill. I'm trying to figure out kids these days. I found this app called tic tac I think? Its basically where people make videos of them dancing and lip singing and such." He says making me sigh. There is no hope for this man. "But to answer your question I think it'll greatly benefit Sarah. It doesn't hurt to go see a therapist every once in a while. And with the way she's been acting recently it would help. But before you sign her up for any appointments i think it'll be nice to talk to her about it. We don't want her to think she doesn't have a choice." He says. I nod. "I'll have me and Calum talk to her after he gets off work tonight." I say making Micheal nod.

Sarah comes through the door taking off her Jacket and shoes. "Hey sweetie how was school?" I ask. "It was good. I made a few friends today." She says. "Oh that's great sweets!" I say getting up and hugging her. "When Calum gets home we are gonna go out to eat." I say. She nods and heads up to her room.

(Sarah POV)

I head upstairs to go do homework. On my way to my room I hear music playing from Mocheal's room. I knock on the door but it opens slightly cause it was never fully closed to begin with. I see Micheal dancing while facing his phone. I laugh slightly gaining his attention. "Oh hey Sarah! Come here!" He says excitedly. I walk in smiling and put my backpack down. He hugs me and says "How was school?" I smile and say "It was good." "That's great! Ooo!!! You should learn this dance with me!!" He says jumping around causing me to laugh. "Dance to what?" I ask. "I found this app called Tic Tac and I'm obsessed!!" He squeals. I laugh. "You mean Til Tok." I laugh. He nods. "Now come it goes like this, Swing, snap, pop." He says demonstrating.

After an hour of "practicing" we finally had a very sloppy video of me and Mike dancing that was good enough. "We'll get better eventually." He laughs. "What did I just witness?" Calum says laughing causing me and Mike to drop to our knees laughing.

After we all calm down Calum comes in and gives me a hug and kiss on my forehead. "Let's go get dressed little miss Tok Tok star. We will be leaving soon." He say messing up my hair slightly. I smile and nod and leave. "Wait you know Tik Tok??" I hear Micheal say. "Of course I'm not that old." Calum says walking out. I giggle and go to get dressed.

We get to the restaurant. It's a fancy little sushi restaurant. "Okay we are here are we ready to go in? Babe you got everything?" Calum asks Luke who turns off the car. "Yah." He says in reply. "What about you sweet heart." Calum says looking at me through the rear view mirror. I nod and unbuckle. "Okay then let's go in." Calum says. "Uhm are you forgetting something?" Luke says. "Oh yah." Calum says in return and they share a cute little kiss. Honestly they make a really cute couple. "Okay now we are ready." Luke says and we head in.

The waitress shows us to our table where Calum and Like argue over who's gonna sit next to me ending with Calum winning and Like sitting on the opposite side. "Oh the menu looks amazing." Calum says. "What's the budget?" I ask a little hesitantly. Luke smiles. "There is no budget sweet girl. Order whatever you want." Luke says. I nod and look at the menu.

After we get our food and start eating Luke looks at Calum making Calum nod. "Hey princess." Luke says making me look at him with shrimp halfway in my mouth causing them to chuckle. "Cute. But on a serious note we have been thinking lately." Luke starts. I slurp the rest of the shrimp. "We think it'll be beneficial if you take up therapy." He says making me nod slightly. "We want you to have a say in this. We just feel that yo-" Calum's words get cut off by someone yelling in the restaurant. "Omg help my dad's choking!" A lady yells. "Calum stay with Sarah I'll be back." Luke says and gets up and rushes over to the scene. I watch as I see Luke save the man's life. As I watch him save the man's life I think back to what he was saying. Therapy. Would it be good for me? Suddenly the whole restaurant starts clapping as the guy thanks Luke.

Luke gets back to his seat as the guys daughter comes over. "Excuse me sir I would like to thank you for saving my father's life by paying for your meal." She says. Luke just smiles the same way he does to his patients and says. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad that i was here at the right place at the right time." He says. The lady smiles and goes back to her father. Luke exhales "Well that was interesting." Making me and Calum agree. "Alrighty are we all done?" Luke says. I nod and so does Calum. We pay for the bill and leave a tip and leave.

In the car Luke was constantly complaining about how the restaurant should be more prepared for scenarios like that and Calum trying to calm him. "Luke I know it was a scary thing but he is alive and right now your driving so focus on the road do i have to remind you that our daughter is in the back seat." Calum says. Luke sighs. "I'm sorry just a tad bit riled up." He says.

We get home, Luke and Calum head towards their room and I head towards mine. It's like around 10ish so the other guys were asleep. I shower and change into PJs. I get in bed and just lay there. I'm not sleepy at all. I sigh and sit up. "I'll just get some water." I say to myself. I get up and go into the kitchen where Calum is currently filling a cup with water. He must've heard me walk in cause he turned around. "Hey girly can't sleep?" He asks handing me the water. I look at him weirdly but then nod and take a sip of water. "How did you know i was coming out here for water?" I ask slightly confused. "Oh i didn't. I came out here for some. But it's never to bad to hydrate before bed." He says getting himself water. "So chica what's up?" He asks. I shrug and sip. "Nothing much just thinking." I say. He nods and sips. "Thinking about what?" He asks. I sigh, "I was just thinking about the whole therapy thing." I say. "Oh honey you don't have to worry about all that tonight. " He says. "No i actually want to go through with therapy. I'm so sick and tired of holding in everything. I just want to rant to someone and make it all better." I say. Calum smiles. "That's a very brave thing of you to say. I'm sure Luke would be happy to hear." He says. We finish our conversation and headed off to our rooms to sleep.

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