Chapter 16

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(Sarah P.O.V)

We were on our way to the restaurant Luke and Calum just talked amongst each other about patients they recently seen. To be honest I was kinda interested. "Alright we are here!" I hear Luke say as he pulls into the car park and parks the car. "Ready kiddo?" He asks. I nod and unbuckle. "Now I'm saying this now there is NO limit to what you want to eat. Got that Cal AND Sarah." Luke says making me and Calum nod. "Yah yah yah." Calum says.

We get inside the restaurant and we sit to eat. I look at the menu. Man everything looks super yummy. As I'm looking through my options I see baby back ribs. Man they look amazing. "Did you find something you want there dolly?" Calum says smiling. I nod and point to the ribs. "Great choice!" Calum exclaims.

After we order our food we start to eat. I got the baby back ribs, fries and a lemonade. Calum got Steak medium rare, coke and potato wedges. And then Luke got salad, Steak well done, and sprite. To say the food was amazing was an understatement. "So Sarah how is everything so far. I know we don't really have family time together. Or just time for us to come out and talk." Calum says taking a bite of his steak. "I don't know honestly." I say with a blank face. "I guess I'm just confused and scared." I say honestly. Calum nods while Luke takes a sip of his sprite. "Sarah wasn't there something you wanted to bring up?" Luke says. I nod. "Yah actually... I was thinking.... I want to go to th-" My words were cut off by someone in the restaurant screaming. "SOMEONE HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Luke and Calum quickly rush over exclaiming that they are doctors and will try their best to help. The frantic lady explained her husband has a heart condition and is prone to having heart attacks. Luke and Calum start doing CPR while the workers call 9-1-1. In the mix of the events I get the urge to pee. So I go off to the restroom.

(Luke's P.O.V)

Sarah was about to tell Calum about therapy but was cut off by a lady screaming. We rush over to the scene and evaluate. I look at the man and see that he is pale and his lips have a slight tint of blue indicating that he isn't getting enough oxygen. We get information on him while we check his pulse and start CPR.

After the ambulance takes off with the man in the back the whole restaurant applause. To be fair I'm more worried on getting back to Sarah. "Babe... Where's our daughter?" Calum asks as we get to the booth. "Shit." Just as we started panicking we saw Sarah coming down one of the isles. "Sarah where were you?" I asks hugging her scared to let her go. "I had to pee." She says making Calum and I try to hold back our laughing. "Next time write a note or something so we know. Please." I say. She nods. "I just didn't want the world to know I had to take a piss." She says seriously. I laugh as Calum chuckles. "Alright that's enough. Subject change. Please." Calum says sitting back down at the table.

As we are going back to where we left off with our conversation the waiters come out with a tray of deserts. "Here are your deserts." She exclaims. "Uhh we didn't order deserts." I say. "They are on the house from saving that mans life." The lady says. "Ohhh." I look over to see Sarah already stuffing her face. "Luke don't complain free food is free food." Sarah says making me chuckle. "Well thank you for the desert." I say to the waitress as she takes her leave. "So anyways you were saying." I say to Sarah. "Ah yes. I was thinking about going to therapy." She says looking at Calum. Calum smiles. "That's great love! I'm so proud that you want to take care of yourself." Calum says taking a bite of his desert. "We'll have to look into doctors on Monday tho. Give some time to make sure this is actually what you want. And that you are comfortable enough." I say making Calum and Sarah agree. I'm so proud of my baby girl.

(Sarah's P.O.V)

It's the next morning. I woke up feeling really good honestly. I hear the guys rushing around. They're probably just getting ready for work. I hear a knock on the door. "Sarah are you awake?" I hear Calum ask. "Yah I'm up." I say as I see the door open revealing Calum in navy blue scrubs. "Ok so me and the guys got called in to the hospital. There was a train wreck and we probably won't be back until later tonight." He says quickly. "Ok." I say. He kisses my head and leaves my room.

I head into the living room and watch as the guys rush to leave the house. "Bye!" I shout as they head out. "Bye love." They say and close the door.

I'm sitting on the couch watching Chicago Fire when I hear Jack come down the stairs. "Hey love I need to head out for a bit. Do you mind being here alone?" He asks. I nod. "It's ok I'm a big girl." I say praising myself. "You sure bout that?" He says with a chuckle. I throw the couch pillow at him as he continues to laugh. "Alright alright I have to get going. I'll see you later." He says kissing my head and leaves.

It's been two whole hours. No one has called me and no one has messaged me. I have already gotten annoyed with Chicago Fire and I have nothing better to do. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. 'Life is confusing' I say I'm my head. One minute I'm home with my mom and the next I'm being kicked out cause of her boyfriend. 'Her boyfriend' I say in my head. "That son of a fucking bitch can go rot in fucking hell." I say out loud as I feel my eyes burn from tears threatening to spill. Just then I got a call. I look at the caller ID and see that it's just a number. 'Maybe one of the guys are trying to call from the hospital phone?' I say as I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask.
"Your mother's dead and if you do not cooperate your next." The voice said.

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