Chapter 9

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(Sarah P.O.V)

Its been three days. Three fucking days. I wake up to the sound of the guys singing to a song very loudly. "The princess has awaken!" Ashton announces loudly earning a slap by Calum. "Shut up Ash. Good morning princess we will be to our new home in the next hour for you to get an actual rest." He says with a smirk. I just nod and mouth a thank you and lay back down.

"Hey Cal should we wake her up or just carry her to one of the rooms?" I hear a hushed voice say. "I'll carry her to my room she needs the extra sleep after all she's been through." I hear Luke say I think. And with that I can feel my body being lifted into the strong manly but low key gentle arms of Luke Hemmimgs. Next thing I know I hear a few doors open and my back hits a soft memory foam like surface. It actually feels really nice. And then with that said I fade back into the calming darkness of dream land.

I yawn and sit up and let out a bit of a stretch before heading out the room. I walk around trying to find the others. "Hey give that back!" I hear from the living room I presume. "Come and get it." Someone teased. "You guys I swear if you woke sarah up I will have your heads for this." I hear luke say. I can't help but giggle a little. That caught the attention of everyone in the room. "Hey princess." Jack says with a smile while Luke death stares Michael and Ashton. "Oh can everyone just calm down." Came Calum's voice came. "OK Sarah so we do have work today but that means you get to stay here with uncle Jack. I'm warning you right now Jack I know how childish you can be with kids I don't wanna see neither of you in my hospital." Calum says sternly. I look towards Jack and he looks towards me and we both smile and then look towards Calum and nod. "Good now let's eat breakfast." Just then I heard this god awful beeping noise. "Well I guess no time for breakfast gotta go." Ashton says as he runs upstairs and like a few seconds later he is running downstairs throwing a stethoscope around his neck and running out the door. "Well that was eventful. Here love eat up." Calum says while placing plate of pancakes in front of me. "Thank...." I got cut off by another beeping noise yet again. "Sorry princess that's our pagers they got off when the hospital needs us. And since we are back they need us like crazy." Luke says coming down the stairs in his baby pink scrub shirt and teal green pants and kisses my head. "Have a great day love." He says and rushes out the door followed by Michael who was wearing the same as Ashton with dark blue. "Well so much for breakfast. Well I guess I should get ready. Eat all of what's on you plate Sarah." Calum says and kisses my head and runs upstairs and gets dressed.

I'm sitting in the living room watching happy feet which is the movie Jack put on before he left for the restroom. I have been sitting here for a while now its actually starting to scare me a little bit. I get up and walk towards the bathroom and I knock on the door. "Mr.Hemmings... I mean jac...." My words were cut off by a very unpleasant sound. I decide to let my curiosity get the best of me and I open the door slightly. But that was a HUGE mistake on my end. As soon as I open the door I am met face to face with a god awful smell and Jack on the floor shaking badly with white stuff coming out of his mouth. Thankfully he's covered but I see his phone laying on the floor so I pick it up and I click the emergency call button and dial 911. It took them a while but they finally showed up. And to say I was terrified would be an understatement. Just as the medics were about to put back on the stretcher he woke up and looked at me. "Sarah. My password is your birthday. Call luke." He says all weak. I cant help but feel a tear slip down my cheek. But I do as told. I pick up the phone again and type in my birthday and go into contacts. I see Luke's name and click it. After three tries no luck. So I call the second contact which is Ashton's. And thankfully he answered. "Hey Jack-" he was cut off by me breaking down sobbing. "Sarah is that you?" He asks. "Ash its jack!" I cry out. "Hey Sarah I need you to relax and tell me what happened." He says calmly. "Jack started shaking and I called the ambulance and now they are on their way there now." I cry starting to feel and very sharp pain in my chest making it close to impossible to breathe. "Listen love I know this is scary Jack will be fine. Mikey is coming to get you. He will be there soon. I promise you it'll be all ok." Ashton says. I nod forgetting he cant see me. "Ok." I say as low as I can.

Its been 5 minuets since the ambulance left. I sit there and wait for Mikey to get here. The pain in my chest just continues to get worse. It hurts soo bad. I'm in a corner trying to catch my breath and calm down but no luck. I start feeling really faint. I can already tell I'm becoming dehydrated from crying to much. Just as I was about to pass out I see Mikey run over to me. "Hey love I need you to stay awake with me please." He says. He starts saying something else but I can't hear him. I get so light headed and I just let myself slip into the darkness.

(Michael P.O.V)

I was walking into Ashton's office when I noticed he was on the phone. As soon as he noticed me he put the phone on speaker and I stayed silent. I hear Sarah crying in the background. That's when I get concerned. I watch Ashton give me a look and I nod knowing that means go get her. On my way out I got a sedative in case it was needed.

I was driving on our road when I saw the ambulance driving towards the hospital. I quickly pressed on the gas knowing that Sarah was all alone and that isn't the best thing for her right now. I arrived to the house and didn't even shut off my car before I ran in. I saw her in the corner of the room having a panic attack. I run over to her and hold her close. "Hey love I need you to stay awake for me." I say tapping her cheek. I see her physically trying. "Hey its alright I'm right here." I notice she isn't calming down so I grab the sedative and gently inject her. I watch as she passes out. In a way I'm relieved but in a way I'm not. She is defiantly dehydrated and not well. I need to get her to Luke as soon as possible.

I get her into the car and buckle her up. I do the same with myself and I drive to the hospital. As I pull in I see a worried Luke and an extremely worried Calum waiting by the entrance. They must have noticed my car and started walking to it. "How is she?" Calum asks while they walk over. I get her out and hold her bridal style. "Shes dehydrated and was in a sever panic state when I arrived. I had to sedate her to get ger to calm down before she were to pass out." I tell him as we enter the hospital. "Lets bring her to my office so that way when she wakes up she isn't so scared and one of us can stay with her." Luke says. We all agree. "Hows Jake?" I ask as we walk pass the nurses station. "He is doing better. He ran out of medicine and didn't realize so when he went to go take his meds there was none and he panicked. So we are keeping him over night and then sending him home with a refill." Calum explains as we reach Luke's office. "That's good." I say. Luke unlocks the door and we walk in. "Alright I'll get an IV tray Luke stays with her first round since your shift is ending soon and Michael I need you to go check on Jake and Ash." Calum says. We nod and walk our separate ways.

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