Chapter 7

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Maggie stormed into her tailer. That was too close for comfort. She didn't know what was worse. Running into to that man by the shops or running into the Alpha Faolan. Sure he was nice to her face but... no use thinking of it. She needed to move. She hated to do this but she needed to move her vacation up by a few days. She grabbed her duffle from her closet and started shoving her things into it.

She knew that man. It had been years but she knew that face. Barry? No, Baron. That's right Baron. He was an enforcer for Bryce. The last thing she needed was to run into either of them. Running from him didn't help. Better to lay low until they crawl back to the hole they came from.

Candace's family had a cabin at the edge of their land. She said her parents use it as a couples getaway and she promised no one would bother her there. She didn't know how stocked it was with supplies but she figured she could ask Candace to help with that. Speaking of which she should let her know she is starting her "trip" early.

In the midst of throwing clothes in her bag Maggie pulled out her cell and tapped on the contact for Candace. She picked up on the second ring.

"Maggie! What a lovely surprise! Mom has been driving me nuts. I think all the stress is getting to her head."

"Yeah she's not the only one," Maggie mumbled. Candace paused a moment catching her tone.

"Everything alright Mags? The tavern is ok right?" Maggie had to tread carefully. She didn't want to alarm her friend.

"Yeah, just some shipping issues and everyone wanted time off last minute. It has me stressed out. I was wondering if I could go early to your family's cabin." There. That seems reasonable.

"Um.. sure. I don't see it as a problem. I'll let dad know. He and mom have been busy with the gathering so they won't have any need for it. I'll meet you there with they key. How early did you want to be there?"

"This afternoon too soon?"

"Nope. I can make this afternoon work as long as you have some cookies waiting for me!"

"It's a deal. See you then."

There was a knock on Faolan's door

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There was a knock on Faolan's door. Faolan was at the room's desk filling our some last minute paperwork. Only those in his pack and a few in the Dark Woods pack actually knew where his room was.

"Enter." Faolan called.

Through the door Dawson walked in. He must of just arrived and gone straight to Faolan to report.

Dawson seemed a bit mousy at first. He had messy unkept hair that was a bit shaggy. His glasses sat squarely on his nose and his clothing consisted of a plaid shirt complete with a pocket protector. He was your typical nerd. But he was brilliant if unconventional.

At 25 he took over as the Royal Pack doctor and his knowledge was invaluable. If he was given a problem, nothing would stop him from finding the answer.

The Alpha's Reluctant MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant