Chapter 3

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"Do you guys know what you want?" Faolan and Theo had been sitting with the menus for a few minutes but he had hardly looked at it. He kept staring at the bar hoping its mistress would return. She had come out just one other time talking to the girl with all the books to which the girl promptly packed all her things and left.

"Hey man, do you know what you want?"

The spell was broken when Faolan heard his name and his gaze returned to his friend across from him.

"Hmm..what?" Theo raised his eyebrow at him. Faolan was obviously distracted. Theo thought it better to just order for the both of them. Turning to Susan he answered the waitress who was politely waiting.

"Let's just get two tavern burger baskets please. And  a pint of anything on tap." Suzan jotted down the order with a smile and ran towards the kitchen. Before she got far Faolan had an idea.

"...MILKSHAKES!" He practically yelled at the poor lady, who was obviously startled as she turned around and smiled at Faolan.


"Yes two giant milkshakes."

"Ok....what flavor" Flavor?... oh he hadn't thought that far.

"Um...chocolate?" Theo was outright gawking at him. Calm and calculating Faolan Whiteclaw, Alpha King of all wolves was acting like a blubbering idiot. Maybe it was good to take a break before the gathering. His friend was obviously loosing it.

"We can do chocolate," Suzy confirmed. Faolan turned toward his friend with a triumphant smile while Theo just scowled and shook his head. "...what?" Faolan wasn't sure what he did to earn his friend's displeasure.

"You're acting weird man. I'm going to blame it on traveling but I hope you come to your senses tomorrow. I don't need you going crazy on me till after our big shindig." Faolan guessed he was acting a little impulsive. He just wanted to see that woman one more time. It wasn't as if he was going to do anything with her. He didn't even know if she was a wolf at all. She just caught his interest and he wanted to know more. Completely innocent.

A few minutes later Suzan returned with two milkshakes and two pints of beer.

"Your baskets all almost ready. I'll bring them out in a few minutes." Theo immediate started on his beer while Faolan just stared at his milkshake. "Something wrong with you milkshake sir?" Yes. You were the one who brought it. But to actually say that to Suzan would be rude especially since she had done nothing at fault. Before Faolan made his excuses the tavern door opened followed by several male voices hollering.

"Wooooo. The boys are back!" Four males came tumbling in yelling and not minding who it disturbed. They were barely old enough to grow scruff so they must have been just recently out of high school. The stench that came with them told Faolan that they were wolves although very stupid ones.

"Crap," Suzan mumbled. Faolan turn his gaze towards her as she  stared at the invaders. She gave a "if you'll excuse me..." and dashed to meet the young wolves. "Gentleman I would ask you to keep it down. There are other patrons."

"Oh come on Susie," the tallest of the ruffians with black hair and bushy eyebrows wrapped his arm around Susan while he spoke to her. "Admit it you love us."

"Just please be courteous to the other guests," Susan begged before untangling herself and walking away. A loud slap sounded as Susan froze. The whole tavern went silent. The boy with the bushy brows had his hand lowered from where he spanked poor Susan. The smirk on his face showed he had no remorse. Faolan let out a growl. Only pathetic scum treated a female so lowly.

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