17: Aqua man/woman AU 3/4

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•I dunno if I should though, there are a lot of characters in it and all...

Suddenly a guard in black armor flew over with three guards behind them.

Luz groaned as she sat up rubbing her head with Amity scowling on who just did that. Ruined their sweet moment here y'now.

"Who the hell..?" Luz growled as she helped Amity up as someone who's probably the general approached them.

Suddenly, the suit lit up and the general threw a barrage of lasers.

"Get back!!" Luz yelled as she pulled Amity away, only to get hit with the laser completely by her arms and get thrown back destroying a pillar before destroying through a wall just to fall hitting another wall on the other end.

"Aaaargh!!!!!" Yelling in pain, she fell with a thump with bits of rocks scattering and falling around and over her.

"Luz!!!" Amity yelled as she rushed for her before getting stopped with swords pointed to her neck.

"I order you to stand down now!!!" She yelled when she was brought taking a few steps back.

"Princess Amity!! You are charged with fatal treason to the emperor!" One of the guards scoffed at her.

Amity glared fire at them with clutched hands.


Luz winced as she helped herself up, coughing a bit from the dust as the general from before came back to greet her again with a strong welcome.

"Ow... Burnt my arms..." She muttered while on her knees as the general began to slowly approach her.

Growling, she asked, "just who the hell are you?"

"Nothing will ever fix your memory of me." The general said as they drew a sword from its hand and pointed it at Luz who stood her ground.

As soon as the general swung the sword left and right, Luz dodged all of them before grabbing them by the hand, only to have to dodge again when they drew out another sword from their other hand.

After a while of dodging, she was able to grab the black tin can by the large head to throw strong punches to it. Each noise of her fist colliding with the strong metal rang loud before the general broke free and swung their sword before the other that was successfully dodged again.

Still, the general didn't waste time as they head-butted Luz who shot up in surprise and a bit of pain in the temple before getting brought back a few steps for a stagger of loose hold in falling back when the world suddenly spun around her.


Amity continued to glare at the one who still had their sword aimed at her neck before glancing around her shoulder to smirk. Yanking the one in front of her by the hand she grabbed the sword and dodged the bullets aimed for her from the other guards surroundings her.

Doing a flip, she kicked one of them down with the other falling back in surprise and pain, swinging the sword to cut the other that was still standing by the arm to scream in shock and pain, she spun around and swung to the other who tried to stand up and shoot her before twisting the last one by the ankle and stabbing them with the sword.

As soon as she did bring them down, she jumped a bit when the sword was shot off of her hold from a guard by afar coming closer to apprehend her.

Standing up, she ran off dodging bullets.


Luz swung a fist before jumping by an edge and doing a kickflip to the general who was immediately brought down in one lucky go of her leg.

She huffed before she finally got the idea of who she was fighting.

"You're that damn terrorist from the submarine, aren't you..?" She theorized before getting kicked by the foot to get her to her knees.

"You're damn right!!!" The general yelled before throwing a thrust when Luz knelt down in front of them.

"Aaaauurghh!!!!" Luz yelled in pain when she was stabbed in the shoulder, and she growled in pain as the general brought her back up to her feet with the sword still on her chest.

Yanking the sword out, she dodged a swing from the general and twisted her arm around before failing to dodge a swing on her front and back.

She winced in pain as she was brought stumbling back in heated open wounds in her chest and back.

"You can call me anything you want but I'd prefer you use something decent for everyone to hear..." The general growled before doing another round of lasers.

Luz was taken aback screaming as she was hit and brought flying off and falling through a house.

"Aauughh!!!" Choking a bit over the fall, she scowled as she hurried back up to her feet.

"You thought you could try and walk away unscathed for the action you chose didn't you!?" The general yelled when he landed beside her before swinging her sword down.

Luz spun aside dodging and getting to their knees just to literally smack the sword off of their hold, gluing the end of the sword to a wall before dodging a swing at her by a foot aback as she grabbed the coffee table near her and broke it into bits when she hit them just as hard as she can get to with it.

"I thought I told you not to let this happen to you?" She asked while breathing heavily from the dodging, blocking, attacking, and counter-attacking she just did.

But the general didn't listen and just grabbed her by the collar before flying themselves through the roof and out of there without warning or question did Luz have to slam a fist down to their head to make them both fall back down into the room.

She breathed heavily in her breather here now, folks. But soon perked up when she did finally take notice of the old lady sitting on their couch, meekly smiling, she said, "excuse me, mam..."

Then out of nowhere did the general kick her through the window when she got distracted. Classic Luz.

"Aaaarghh!!!!" Yelling, she hit the roof tiles hard before toppling off and falling down with a lucky save of a hand clutching the edge as the general began walking over to her outside the destroyed wall.

Yep, they didn't just destroy the window but the whole wall here, everyone. It's getting fun now ain't it?

The general hopped down the roof yelling, "you can't run now!! You owe me more than your blood and head!!!"

Luz frowned as she helped herself back up the rooftops, dusting her knees a bit while she was at it here.

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