16: Aqua man/woman AU 2/4

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•Hey... Do you think I should do a full blown fanfiction of this or nahh..? It'll be pretty hard but I can probably pull it off if I ever get bored...

The seas were calm for a swim don't you think?

And their next destination?

Sicily, Italy.


As soon as their ride stopped, Luz hopped off before giving the generous driver her greatest acknowledgement for the help they got out of them. Leaving Amity to do a quick turn when a cyclist passed by her ringing their bell.

Amity was in awe over the place though, or moreover, the land itself, glancing left and right, she stared at a few fruits displayed hanging before looking over flowers of all kind with the seller being sweet enough to give her a small bouquet for free over her natural beauty.

She took a quick sniff over the roses with Luz smiling in adoration as she walked over to her before glancing over to the seller to ask a simple question.

Amity was really fixated over what humans do in the surface y'now, she never knew Luz who was a half breed here was able to see things like these that was out of the way from being close to the deep seas and open oceans she lived in since she was young.

And that's when she saw it.

Other humans eating red colored food, glancing around more, she saw more people eat the same thing with the same color.

Luz sighed when she couldn't find anyone to answer her simple question, glancing back over to Amity, she perked up hiding a laugh and a snicker when she saw her eating the bouquet of roses.

Walking over with a smile, Amity smiled back at her while handing the bouquet at her face.

'Oh, she's so cute and naive...' Luz thought as she leaned over and ate one of the roses, nodding when it actually didn't taste to bad than she'd anticipated it to be.

Tasted good she'd suppose.

Even though she was sure it wasn't given to Amity for eating, people.


Walking over to a small fountain, Amity stared at the shimmering coins in the water with Luz chuckling and handing her a simple coin to throw in. But Amity didn't know any of that so she meekly smiled and handed it over to the young child beside her who smiled back taking it.

Giving it a quick kiss, the child threw it with ease into the fountain with Amity smirking and using her powers to bend the water at her own will.

She created dolphins, seahorses, whales through the water out of sheer amusement with child getting taken in awe as it rushed off to tell it's parent's about it.

Luz laughed in surprise before saying, "I'm starting to think you actually like these circus dwellers."

Amity huffed before saying, "well, it would be wrong to judge a place I've never seen before."

Luz sighed under smile, blushing a bit before saying, "I'll be right back..."

Amity hummed before the child from before tugged on her sleeve and handed her a thin children's book.

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