The Second Task

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"What?!" The Slytherin Prince and Dark Princess shouted in unison. "I'm not going in that bloody lake!" She protested, Draco standing in front of her as if he were protecting her from Dumbledore. "You are the one Diggory loves, you must. You have no choice." He sighed heavily, shaking his head at the young pair. "Does Cedric know?" Draco questioned, stepping forward. "He doesn't know that she'll be at the lake."

"I don't want to Dumbledore, what if he doesn't save me? Will I die?"

"You must be silly to think young Diggory will allow you to die."

"I don't want you doing this, Opal." Draco grabbed the girl by her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. "I don't want to do it either, Draco. But, I want Cedric to win. Besides, I have no chance. I am who he loves." Draco pulled her into a tight hug, taking in her sweet scent.




"Draco, you're so silly!" The little girl giggled, swinging her legs as the boy pushed her on the swing. "I will be anything for you my Princess! If being silly makes you happy, I am silly with pride!"

"Draco, I'll be fine." She had embraced him as well, sighing heavily as she gently pushed him back. "We mustn't tell Cedric that I will be the one in the lake. Do you promise to keep it a secret?"

"I promise, but if he does not retrieve you fast enough I shall kill him." Draco was serious. If Cedric was the last to surface, his life was over. Especially if his Princess wasn't with him.

She was out. It was black. All she remembered was talking to Draco outside their common room. Was she asleep? She was. In the lake. It was the second task.

Cedric looked into the crowd, hoping to see his supportive girlfriend. He saw no one. Except a frightened Corie sitting beside an angered Draco. "Oh no." He gasped, looking down at the lake before him. "What is it Diggory?" Harry questioned, turning to his friend. "Kacey. She's in the lake." Even Harry was scared for the girl, but he had his own to worry about.

When allowed, Cedric was the first into the water. Racing around the lake to find Kacey.

I can't fail. I seriously can't this time.

He knew how much pressure was on him. And he knew how happy Draco would be to end his life. Not to mention Snape. Hell, Corie even. They all were counting on him. Just the thought of his sweet darling trapped in this lake made his stomach turn, but he was her hero.

It was awhile until he had found all four bodies. Ron, Kacey, Hermione, and Gabrielle. He swam to his loved one, blasting a spell at the rope that kept her from floating to the surface. An arm wrapped around her waist as he rushed, waving down to Harry below him. It was a matter of time before he would win the challenge.

"If he's not up within the next five minutes I'm killing him with my bare hands." Draco growled, Snape resting a hand on his shoulder while Corie held his hand. "She'll be fine." They said in unison.

She gasped as she suddenly woke from her slumber, looking to see Cedric gasping for air as well. "Cedric!" She squealed, tears forming in her eyes as she clung to him. "Oh, thank Merlin you're alright." He held her close to his chest, swimming towards the dock. "I was so worried, I didn't know if you would save me." She had never felt more terrified, she had never feared for her life. It was absolutely scary. "I will always save you, never doubt it." He lifted her by the waist, carefully placing her on the dock before he hoisted himself up. Taking her hand and raising it in the air. The crowd shouted for their beloved Hufflepuff and Slytherin Princess.

Dinner. Everyone was happy. Even Draco. For once, Cedric came to sit at the Slytherin table.

"Maybe I was wrong about you, Diggory." Draco placed down his fork as he spoke, smiling very faintly. "You were wrong about me." Cedric chuckled, placing a hand on Kacey's thigh. "I'm glad you two are getting along." She sighed heavily as she pushed aside her plate, smiling at Draco.

"The next task is in June, the final one. Me and Harry and tied in first place, so we get to enter the maze first. Either way, Hogwarts will win this year." Cedric spoke with a tone of nervousness. It was understandable. He wanted to win, he wanted to make everyone proud. He wanted to make his darling proud.

"I don't have a good feeling about this final task, Cedric."

"Oh, Opal. Diggory has been able to hold his ground, I'm sure he can do it for one more task." Draco yawned softly, covering his mouth. "You're not doubting him, are you?"

"What? No! Of course not, but even brave and strong wizards have their weaknesses."

It's the death of us all.

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now