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"Miss Riddle, you're early today." Potions was her first class, and her favorite. Since, it was taught by Snape. The girl jolted at the sound of her real name, looking up to the raven haired professor. "Oh, yes. I finished my meal early. Any word from my father?" The professor nodded. "He just told me to keep an eye on you, and that heart of yours." Snape was more like a father than her real one.

He taught her almost everything she knew. How to play the piano. It was one of the moments she used to figure out her Patronus. He was a close friend of her muggle mother before she passed. He brought her and the Dark Lord together. Part of him regrets it now. He lost a dear friend. But gained another. A mini her.

"My heart will be just fine. Nothing much has happened since I came here."

"Be careful still, I worry for you. More than he does, truth be told."

That brought a smile to her face.

"I know."

The classroom was soon flooded with students. Draco sat by the only person he dreaded seeing. The Dark Princess. He had been so rude to her since she got here. What was his problem? They were great friends before. Maybe, just maybe he could fix things between them.

"Morning, Smite."


"Why did you ask?"

"Well, you've been an incel towards me for a while now.. I'm surprised you're speaking to me normally."

"I'm sorry. Sort of."

Old him. He never really apologized, but he tried.

"Whatever you say. I just miss speaking to you, normally. Like how we used to."

"I know you fancy me, Princess."

"See, that's where you're wrong. Draco."

There was a long pause between the two, she lowered her voice.

"I just miss our friendship."

The words she never thought would leave her lips. It was true. Young them.. the memories were all flooding her head

"Draco! Slow down!" The young girl shouted as she trailed behind the blond boy, holding her hand over her chest. He was the only one laughing. Until he felt a sudden pain in his heart. He turned to see the girl on the ground, quickly dashing to her side. "Kacey!" He whined, quickly pulling the girl to his chest. "It's my heart, it really hurts Draco.." Even the most simple tasks got her heart acting up. "I know, I'm so sorry.."

"Lay here with me, please." The girl pleaded.

"Of course, anything for you Princess." The boy laid on the grass with the girl against him. They were only ten. But that was the day, the day he knew. He must be her knight.

"I'll be nicer. Promise." His words snapped her out of her thoughts.


"Perhaps we can go to Hogsmeade this weekend? I can take you to get a butter beer."

"I'll think about it."

It was from the corner of his eye, but he saw the girl smile.

They were quiet for the rest of potions, Cedric of course walking Kacey to her DADA class. Malfoy walked behind. Suddenly, he was starting to remember things too.

"Happy Birthday Draco!" The young girl trapped the boy into a hug, refusing to let him go. "Thank you, Kacey." He was turning ten. He'd be leaving for Hogwarts. They both knew it. "My father helped me pick a gift for you." Shyly, she handed him a velvet box. He opened it out of curiosity. Inside sat a ring. A golden ring with a large ruby. "My father says your ruby is the same as mine. That way, we can always be together.. I'm going to miss you, Draco."

"I'll come back to protect you, Princess."

He suddenly looked towards his hand. The ring. He never took it off. It was a perfect fit for his finger now. His mother told him to be careful with the ring. Especially with the ruby. It had magical properties. None he listened to when he was younger. He wished he did.

Cedric pasted by Draco, smiling. Kacey must've told him to lay off. The Slytherin Prince entered the DADA classroom, sitting across the aisle from where Kacey was. Already, extremely boring. Besides, him and Kacey didn't worry about the Dark Arts.

A small Phoenix shaped letter landed in the lap of the Slytherin girl, her eyes bolted to Draco with no hesitation. He wasn't looking, only holding in a chuckle as he stared into his text book. The girl unfolded the note, reading carefully.

Do you know anything about our rubies?

It took her a moment. Their jewelry. She had forgotten they shared rubies. When she had looked at the boy the next time, he was looking. Instead of writing a reply she shook her head, watching his frown grow.

It was true. She knew nothing about her necklace. Her father gave it to her and simply told her to never take it off. But it was just a necklace. Was he afraid she would lose it?

It was the only thing she had of her mother's. She didn't want to lose it. Class flew by, Kacey quickly leaving her seat to go see Cedric. Who was of course, waiting outside the door.

"Hello Cedric."

"Hey, Kacey." He pressed a kiss to her cheek, watching as Malfoy waved while he passed by. "Are you and Malfoy on good terms now?"

"Yes, he apologized."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now