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"Smite." Hermione called out.

The girl had zoned out while eating her lunch, grasping the apple she had picked.

"Hm? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." They were talking about charms, which clearly bored her.

"Do you know what your Patronus is?" The wavy haired girl took a sip of her milk, swinging her legs quietly.


Harry looked almost, shocked. Ron was impressed, and Hermione didn't seem to believe her.

"Why would you have that?" Hermione still was an occasionally brat towards the other girl, but it was normal.

"It's just a Patronus. Nothing to be upset about. Mind telling me what you guys have?"


"Jack Russel Terrier."


Kacey tried her hardest not to crack a laugh, biting on her bottom lip.

"Phoenix, that still amazes me.." Harry leaned forward on the table, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "Not because you don't deserve it. Just because I've only met one person with the same Patronus."

I'm surprised I have one at all, with all the little happy memories I have..

"Dumbledore, right?"

"Yeah. You're very lucky."

"I guess so."

"Miss Smite, do you know what amortentia is?" Snape had noticed the student wasn't paying attention. Not only that, but he was here to keep her line. She was a Riddle afterall.

She drew her eyes up from her lap and sighed heavily, adjusting her posture so she was sitting up right.

"It's the most powerful love potion you will find. But, it's not a love potion in my eyes."

"How come? Do you not believe in love?"

"The potion does not create real love. Only infatuation."

"Good, now. Come, smell it." He ushered for the student to stand. Which she did, slowly approaching the brew.

Her senses were suddenly overwhelmed. Two scents stuck out to her the most. Her eyes grew wide as realization hit her.

This damn potion..

"What do you smell?" At this point, he was doing it to embarrass her. Not cool Snape. That's just who he was.


Partially the truth, no one could guess. Only if they had sniffed him down like she did.

"Go take a sit. Malfoy, you're up."

The two Slytherin bumped shoulders when they past, Kacey taking her seat next to Harry and Ron. "Honey? Who smells like that?" Ron was curious, as usual. "I'll tell you later." She probably wouldn't, he would end up forgetting anyways.

"What do you smell Mr.Malfoy?" Snape peered over his shoulder as the student sniffed the potion.

"Roses." He looked embarrass to say it, he didn't even know anyone that smelt of the flower. Wait, something else.

"Rain water." Anyone could smell like that. One more.


No. No! That isn't right!

He knew of one girl that smelled like all three. That bloody Riddle. No one pointed it out, not even Ron. They all knew. The room fell silent, Snape had his signature smug expression. "Class dismissed."

"Vanilla! Bloody vanilla?" Kacey was able to over hear Draco talking to Crabbe and Goyle, he spoke in disbelief. "Something is off with that potion."

There waited the Hufflepuff, he knew the girl's classes by now and would wait for her everyday. Even if her classes were out of his way. He had been doing this for a week now. "Kacey!" He called out her name, jogging to her side. "Hello, Cedric." A first name basis.

"What did you do in potions today?" He cocked his head like a curious puppy, following her trail.

"Learned about amortentia, nothing important."

The strongest love potion know to the world. It was dangerous. And somehow still considered a love potion.

"What did you smell?"

"Honey and apples."

He smiled. He really did. He just didn't know where she got apples. Either way, he was pleased with her answer. That meant-

Maybe, I can't get too excited yet..

"What are your plans for this weekend?"

"I was just going to study, maybe get ahead in a few of my classes." In reality, she was going to plan how to get to Potter. Maybe even follow him around campus. She wasn't close enough. She knew they had to be discussing more important matters. Not around her though. She needed their trust.

"Maybe we can study together, or just hang out." For a Hufflepuff he was confident as she spoke, to a girl. But in reality, this was nerve wrecking for him. This girl was intimidating. He was there when she yelled at Draco. It only drew him to her more.

"Hm, that will be fine."

"I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, I have some work to catch up on."


"I swear to Merlin, if this is another fake letter!" Kacey stormed into the Slytherin common room, and letter in hand as she approached Draco. "Hold your horses Smite, I didn't write that one. Crabbe or Goyle might have though."

"Shut it. Or you'll get your friends into trouble." Once again, she pulled off the wax seal as gently as she could. It was a red Hogwarts stamp, no Hufflepuff.

Dear Kacey,

A stare contest with her won't be a surprise

For who could lose to those hazel eyes

It's a sea where I will happily drown

For her smile, I'll be the clown

There was no signature. The letter was neatly written in curvise, did a guy even write this? The hand writing was amazing.

"Well, what does it say?" Draco peered over her shoulder, attempting to snatch the parchment from her hands.

"None of you business." She quickly folded the letter, stuffing it into her robe pocket.

"Look at you, you have an admirer."





Hey! Quick little side note. A few things will be different. Like, why Cedric dies. And the amortentia potion, I'm pretty sure it gets covered in Harry's fifth year but oh well.

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