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"So, what did you do before Hogwarts?" Corie and Kacey had skipped their studies for the day, explaining to Snape that they were preparing for The Lord's arrival.

"Well, my father taught me.. Just like they would here. During the summer, Snape was extra help. Oh, and Draco's mother.. she taught me a lot as well. She's always kind of been my mom as well, Lucius was never a fan of me though. Everytime he was around he was constantly picking on me. Narcissa was the only one to defend me."

"You never hung out with anyone? Went out?"

"No, only with Draco during the summers." Most of the year, she was lonely. Bored. Drowning in her studies. Practicing spells and preparing herself to become a Death Eater.

Her Dark Mark.. she had forgotten about it. She was lucky enough to convince her father Draco wasn't ready. Sparing his childhood.

"Oh, I'm sorry you didn't have the best childhood.." Corie frowned slightly. She looked up to the older girl. She was brave. Strong. Smart. Beautiful.

Lunch was the only thing they attended. Taking their seats by Draco.

"I'm glad you two decided to show up." He joked, taking a sip of his water. "Whatever Draco, we needed a break." Corie chuckled softly, nudging both of her friends. "We were preparing as we-"

"He's here!" A first year slid into the Great Hall, out of breathe with a wound on his head.

"Go go!" Kacey looked at Harry and his friends, the six students rushing outside. No one dared to stop them. Snape and Dumbledore looked at each other with wide eyes. Rushing through the crowd of students that were wanting to see The Lord for himself.

He was in the courtyard. Waiting.

The six came face to face with him, all with wands in hands. "Ahh, Harry Potter.. and his own friends. Young Malfoy.." He had several Death Eaters behind him, including the Malfoys. "I never expected you to side with him."

"Things have changed!" He shouted, pointing his wand. No one took a step closer. Corie, Ron, and Hermione stood behind the other three. "You won't make it out of here alive." Harry gritted through his teeth, looking to his friends.

"Mistaken, six little twats are no issue for me.." Now that the time had come, Kacey didn't know how to execute her plan. She turned her back to her father, looking at her friends. "Let Harry handle this."

"What? No! He'll get killed." Hermione protested. "No, listen to her.. she has it under control." Corie sighed, looking towards Harry.

The five students stepped back, Snape joining their side. "What do you have in mind?"


They watched as lights bursted in the air, the battle had begun. Harry didn't know nearly as many spells, but he was fighting his hardest. No one interfered.

Not until Harry was on the ground. He landed with a thud, Narcissa rushing to his side. The woman took him in her arms, sitting with the fainted boy.

"One down, five to go."

"No." Kacey stepped in, jumping in front of Potter and Mrs.Malfoy. "You will not kill Potter, nor anyone else here." She protested, standing with broad shoulders. "You're just another weak half blood, you're no match."

"You're one too!" She shouted. "You've done enough. You've ruined lives left and right, even your own daughter's.." She gulped down whatever saliva she had, nearing him even more. "And she will not take anymore of your shit!"

Students gasped, even Dumbledore himself. He should've known. She was a Riddle.

"I am Kacey Riddle, the Dark Princess. And I am ready, for the battle of my life."

Neither of them hesitated. Spells were casted on both sides of the courtyard. Both were struggling. "You're not a true Riddle, fighting against your own father!"

"I've been fighting against him my entire life, you are no father to me. Only a monster who deserves hell."

She felt powerful. Finally fighting her father. Finally giving him a taste of his own medicine. "You killed my mother! Then the love of my life! I'm doing this for them, and for James Potter. I'm doing this for James' family, for Cedric's family." Tears were streaming down her face. It was a total break down. Her weak side was shining through. But he would not win this, the families of his victims would have peace and justice.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Kacey stood in shock, this was the end. She'd never get to see him crumble. She'd see Cedric, once again..

"No!" The man with raven hair shouted, pushing the girl out of the way. Only to get hit in return. It was Snape. "No no!" Kacey shouted, rushing over to his body. He was dead. Just like Cedric.

She took her stance, readying her wand at her unsuspecting father. "Crucio!" His body fell to the floor, squirming in pain as he screamed. "I beg of you, stop!" He could barely speak through the pain.

She marched over to his body, standing over him. "Avada.. Kedavra!" 

"She's done it! She's killed The Dark Lord!"

"Run Death Eaters! Or we'll be next!"

She fell to her knees with a scream, holding onto handfuls of her hair. "I let him die! I let him kill him!"

"Inside, all of you!" Dumbledore ordered the students inside, and they went without a word. He rushed to his student, along with the four others.

"Why did you have to do this? Why?!" She hit her father's dead body, tears streaming down her face as she hated the world. She promised no one would die. No one.

"Miss Riddle.." Dumbledore kneeled beside her, taking her in his arms. "Don't call me that.." She was no proud Riddle. Just like her father, she was a killer. "Miss Snape.." He repeated, helping the girl up. "You did a very brave thing today.. You saved everyone here."

"But not Snape, out of all people.. I let the only man that gave a shit about me die!" She looked towards his body, only feeling more tears rush down her face.  It was like seeing Cedric all over again. The love she held for both men was unbelievable.

"Watch her heart!" Draco rushed to her side, grabbing her shoulders. There was nothing happening. The rubies were intact. "With your father dead.. your heart is perfectly fine."

"Not really.."

The Dark Princess (Love Triangle with Cedric and Draco)Where stories live. Discover now